
Sorry but you have a job to do and should be an adult. do the job to the best of your ability or look for another one.

So had the coach been black you would have been ok? Coaches have always been like dads, this is not new.

while I agree she got over him waking her up a bit too easy. wife and I actually enjoyed it. (Its not rogue 1 but ok)

its both. The ivanka part is snark. the Trump running and “winning” 8 years and then getting one of his kids in is serious (though, if he is impeached by the GOP never mind)

4 years? how cute. he will run and “win” in 2020 and then Ivanka will run and win. its how “daddy” wants it. (this way no one questions why she is in the Oval office at all hours)

“hasn’t held a job in over a decade, can’t drive, uses a walker, and gets by each month on $900 in disability assistance and SNAP benefits” - yup. but I bet she votes republican and to cut benefit to “freeloaders” (eevul imigrunts)

Sure it does. Just like that painting right? Is your love for Trump blinding that you cannot see they are scheamers?

Yeah, that money was never going to Start. Jude’s. Ever.  

But he retired and reporters are not entitled to break into his house or steal his medical file. And we fans are not entitled to know every aspect of his life.

I want him to recover, to get better but don’t need details. I don’t want some a-hole reporter stealing his records or sneaking a pic of him.

The fact that Fucking Liverpool might win the League alone is proof this year sucks ass.

1- a “skateboard” modular electric platform - Ford showed that years ago.

Just q quick question; had it been Lupita, would anyone care?

Can we get rid of the Celebrity Thing? it got old by episode 2.

Excuse me a sec there is something in my eye.

So how long until everyone including Nevada admits this was just BS and was never serious? This is where Chinese firms needs to realize that outside of the PRC things are a bit different

They need to invent one with a built in vent to suck up the smoke and grease

They need to invent one with a built in vent to suck up the smoke and grease

What bugs me is that the gop is being so arrogant about this. Priebus just blows off that they got hacked too. Sorry but it’s clear that they are waiting. With all the baggage on Trump and GOP January 20 will be fun


silence heathen! :-p