
And how big is Helsinki? Compared to NYC? How many roads, bridges, tunnels, train tracks compared to NYC?

I think I saw Jake Gyllenhaal pass by my 6th Floor window.

kids today, TP’ing a B1 is just wrong

Should be in Gold

those people are scum and should burn in hell

simple, if you must be a prick and force some guy to go out there for your Gen. Tso’s; A- tip very fucking well, like 75%. B- Don’t be an ass and bitch it’s late.

While I agree that there have been great African American actors who should have been nominated, I wonder if she would say the same where the issue Asian actors? Or as my Thai co-worker jokes; “ why are there no asian nominated in the BET awards”

God I miss Flurhda

I looove this. Das Kommiser (wifey) vetoed getting one. (grrrr)

Still pretty after all these years.


So. Much. Love!

Oh this is gonna suck. Cant wait for Jezza and boys.

have we put; Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, David Gilmour and Robert Plant in a safe-room yet?

Fuck! 2016 is sucking ass so far.

sorry but this time I agree. Now if you buy the book some cash goes to the foundation as opposed to ALL the cash going to the publisher. Also, we wont have; “Anne Frank and zombies- a love story” type of BS books.

“The technicians and scientists in that universe have mastered faster-than-light travel and the insanely vast energy requirements of that, and even with all the wear and tear we see, things generally seem to work pretty well.” - does not mean jack. Inca and Maya Scientists had better calendars than the Europeans,

I’d like to see him run Formula 1

yup, had the sexes/race been reversed the interwebs would have lost their shit and screamed at how little time the perp got. This woman should be locked up for ever.

this just creeps me the fuck out on soooo many levels