Manu's bald spot


My favorite part is how Shabazz calls for the ball under the rim as if he didn't just royally shit the bed on that dunk-whiff .

+1 Dead. Just dead.

"¡Que pedo, este guey! No mames..." Understanding Spanish makes this video infinitely funnier because you better appreciate the utter dumbfoundedness of the witnesses in the car.

Oh, come on! The dude shifts all his weight onto that SECOND step backward. Id buy what you were selling if you were referring to that first step backward... And as far as that happening on every play, to every player? I'd have to disagree lol we all hate how QBs are so protected but given Suh's past and this video

So much for all that Romo hullabaloo

There was this, also... I know it wasn't ACTUALLY part of the Vikings game but it was still awesome.

Get off it... Put the cookie down, try on some accountability (one size fits all), and stop trying to rationalize why you don't get off your bum for a trip to a $10/month gym.

Really? Really? Jeezus, I've seen nastier shit that this in my nephew's diaper...

What a difference elimination from post-season contention makes for the conscience and moral compass of the Niners brass

a nerve injury?

Somewhere, Bill Simmons is sitting in his desk chair, smugly thinking to himself, "I told you so!", as he furiously pounds away a scathing take-down of Goodell and his buddies at ESPN... Or he really isn't because he wants to keep his ESPN gig...

Is that LeBron in the background doing his best Where's Waldo impersonation?

You win the Internet today...

Jesus! I did not expect this to happen. I used to train at the same gym as this guy and was always in awe at how quick he was and hard to hit... Obviously, Centeno wasn't.

*Swing and a Miss!!!*

"This is oddly lighthearted for the story of an innocent raccoon that got rolled up on, forcibly photographed, then beaten to death!"

Ah, I see what you mean. It DOES seem like he's talking about recent injuries in general rather than just those occurring this season. And it would be nice if they didn't implode in the next two weeks... Although I'm not holding my breath.

In the TNF post-game, he specifically mentioned a broken rib. He was such a Chatty Cathy that it just seemed to slip out, nearly unnoticed.