
Yeah... but how do you explain the fact that all 1st person shooters would be better in 3rd person?

“Hi, I ate this entire steak and all the sides, but I didn’t like them. Please comp this meal.”

If you play a game for 50 hours and ask for a refund you are a lame ass.

The NFL? Disingenuous?! HOW DARE YOU!

In order to have a copyright and a trademark you MUST go after all things that infringe on said intellectual property, failure to do so risks you losing your copyright. Nintendo is just doing what Nintendo has to do. They capitalize on IP, not on hardware sales.

I tried twice to upload an image but it failed so:

There is a reason why the worlds brightest minds are not competing at the Olympics, and why you don’t see Professional Athletes with Nobel prize awards in Astro Physics or Organic Chemistry.

Well, it’s kinda ugly. Wonder what kind of price point we’ll get if it’s legit.

Didn't anyone at your school take Phen-Phen? It was the best, everyone was skinny and energetic. Now people are fucking fat and disgusting.

More likely they got paid by the mall kiosk to wear them.

Why the fucking hell would our government employ PRISONERS to build the devices that protect the skulls of our SOLDIERS???

Go fuck yourself, bro. These idiot Pokemon players are looking in their windows. Swearing at them. Just because you fucking millenials don’t own property doesn’t mean that you should go around invading others. I hope you get colon cancer.

Exactly! The problem isn’t Pokemon Go, it’s players being disrespectful. If someone was trespassing on my private property causing a nuisance, and being destructive of course I’d be pissed. Also, don’t most city parks close at a certain time? I’d think the homeowners would be well within their rights to call the

that assumes that people playing a game are entitled to be disruptive and people who own property in an area have to defer to them, which is not a conclusion i find compelling. people playing a game in an area that is not their property need to be respectful of the people’s property they are on, not the other way

Oh shit I made a typo, thanks for proving my point though.

Oh, is it? I was under the impression it was on there property and completely sympathized. If it’s a park, that is a whole different kettle of fish.

“Just try to be optimistic about strangers.”

-And geocaching is usually in public places like a park or walking trail, not on someone’s lawn or in their car...

I think I’ve met 3 people in my entire life that were into geocaching....