
The internet really is an echo chamber of people yelling bullshit opinions without any facts or data, isn’t it? Since Thurday, all I have been reading is people predicting doom and gloom (for the umpteenth time) about Nintendo and the Switch. People that probably had no desire to buy teh console in teh first place.

That’s not what that means.



Firstly, Women who only date taller men are shallow and not worth your time. They are usually the ones that will remain alone for the longest time, as their “preference” is not often indicative of what they deserve.

Keep sucking that Trump dick, Gawker. You sorry fucking excuses for the LOSERS that you are will continue to be ridiculed and derided for the next 8 years, as you deserve. Liberal fucks just can’t bow down gracefully, you child-minded fucks. Grow the fuck up and act like fucking adults, as opposed to the maladjusted

Are you fucking kidding me? I literally got an Xbox One for this game. I mean, I like the console, but I would have waited until after the generation was damn near over to bother with another Xbox. This fucking succcckkkkkssssss.


Is it just me, or is  Hirono Kei one sexy mofo?

Since when is making something Heterosexual considered “Homophobic”? I mean, I have been gay longer than some of these complaining assholes have been alive, yet they get to decide what’s homophobic and what isn’t? When did people get this fucking sensitive? Guess what, morons? Just because something features a bunch

There is nothing more embarrasing than an “article” criticizing a white person written by another white person. Have some dignity, dude. Yeesh. This whole network is a fucking cesspool.

These are the type sof games that make me proud to be a gamer. Fuck hyper realism. A beautiful art style stands the test of time so much better than artificial realism ever could. I will be keeping a lose eye on this game. Hopefully it will be ready for the launch of the Switch.

Illegal immigrants.

I voted for him, and I don’t have to explain shit, least of all to you liberal assholes with your diseased idea of what the world should be. Go sit in a corner wearing a dunce hat like the fucking losers you are, and let the winners handle things for a while. You people had 8 years to ruin shit for the country under

CNN is a liberal cesspool. Is anyone surprised that they would not do their research when it comes to their “journalism”? #fakenews

Ariana is HUGE in Japan. I don’t know if it’s the way she sings, or that she looks so much like an anime character brought to life, but during my last trip to Tokyo, the HMV was blasting a commercial for her album NON-STOP. Her face was plastered all over Shibuya (near the 109 building) and people looked like tehy

It’s a Japanese game, by a Japanese developer. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. Simple as.

Calm the fuck down, you useless, liberal waste of space. You people are so fucking hateful, bitter and intolerant, and this article just proves why Trump won in the first place. You lost and I am glad you did. Now you know your place in America, and you need to start acting like it, you Hippie bastard.

I am currenlty 65 hours into the game and I never thought I would like Prompto. But after that one convo they had where he really opens up to the guys, and after the final campfire scene, I felt that he really becomes one of my favorite FF characters.

Dude, you sound like a bitter old man. They grow more loveable the longer you play, and their outfits are fine. Stop being so damn uptight and just enjoy the game. You have only played 2 hours, so you have no reason to be complaining like a little beeyotch. I am 65 hours in and I loved ever moment.