
waaaa waaaa waaaa

Another liberal trying to make everything about her. She really is trying to milk this for all of it’s worth? Nintendo has a lot more to worry about than what some useless ex-employee has to say about them.

She has that look on her face like she doesn’t understand.

The only reason this game was delayed was to coincide with the release of the NX. At this point, I don’t even know why they fucking bother with these tall tales created to try to appease their rabid and often maladjusted fans. Nintendo is a business, and as such will do everything in their power to make as much money

Try 3.

I am not a fan of Musou games, but I do love me some Berserk. The graphics and the gore look delicious, so I will be keeping a close eye on this. Hopefully, it’s better than the god-awful Dreamcast game.

As someone who has never liked any of Michale Jackson’s music, even I am surprised and a little bit shocked. I always defended him as being a product of a fucked up childhood with a tyrant for a Father and a waif of a mother, but this....Animal torture? Fucking inexcusable. This is the first and last time I will

Glad to see you are the metric by which blackness is measured. So, from now on, people can come to you before they hire someone to ensure that the person is black enough. Is that how it’s supposed to work?

Your opinion is wrong and you should feel bad.

The original reveal.

It’s a damned APARTMENT.

No, it’s an APARTMENT.

Yeah, but no one wants to hear your gay sex (even if it is imaginary) at odd hours during the day either. As a gay man, I try to be considerate of those that live next to me, and below me, so I keep my noise levels to a minimum. Making excessive noise is not only rude, but indicative of a very child-like mind that

With the amount of money he makes off of his videos, he could easily buy a house in the middle of nowhere. He could then make as much noise as he wants, without disturbing anyone. He could even pay the house outright, and sell it once he is done. Why he continues to rent apartments is not only childish, but somewhat

If there was one manga/anime that could use a live-action adaptation, it’s Tokyo Ghoul. The amount of WTF and graphic violence would be perfect for the big screen. Please, don’t skimp out on the practical effects, Japan.

Now playing

I use the term “game” loosely.....Shudder

The character design is actually better than Overwatch’s.

Can we get a Yakuza Beach Volleyball game, with an all-male cast? For science, of course.

I almost broke a tooth running to get my 3DS off my coffee table/trunk to buy this. Next time, give people a warning!

Once again, Bashcraft, your taste is impeccable.