
Another “cultural appropriation” bullshit post by a hack Gawker writer. You want to talk cultural appropriation, yet you still wear jeans, fly in airplanes and drive cars, all invented by the white man. You can’t have it both ways, darling. Stop acting like shit belongs to you and grow the fuck up.

Please, shut the fuck up. Trump has never said anything even remotely racist in his campaign. You are just afraid of teh truth, and will grasp at any straw you can to prevent you from being labeled a bigot.

Oh, god, the smoking is fucking horrible! My partner, who has athma, almost had several respiratory attacks in this area in particular. The shopping is great, and the area makes 42nd street NYC look like a ghetto, $2 version, but that smoking is fucking horrendous!

I literally just got back from Japan last night, and while I loved the city and this area in particular, the amount of people who smoke in that city is fucking criminal. You can’t go to a decent restaurant or even pass by a block with designated smoking areas without being assaulted with second hand smoke. It’s

Dude in the pic looks miserable and like he has given up on life. Oh, that’s right, he is getting married. I feel bad for him.

Let that be a lesson to you, kids. Drugs are bad, especially steroid/hgh/ and growth hormones.

Then don't buy the fucking game. Sheesh. WTF is wrong with you people?

Seems like only americans bitch and complain about supposed “appropriation”. The actual culture doesn’t give a shit.

Shut The FUCK UP about this cultural appropriation bullshit.

Another one? Lord, when will the madness end....?

When in doubt, remember this old adage; Always keep your damn hands to yourself.

The lesson in all of this? Children ruin everything.

You know why video game based movies suck? It’s simple, really; the people who are making them (i.e. Americans) have no interest in actual video games. So to ask someone with no real investment in video games to make a competent film adaptation is like asking someone who never read a book to do a movie based on it.

Capcom has gone from being one of my favorite developers to being a joke of its former self. This is what happens when greed over shadows your creative integrity. Fuck Crapcom, fuck Inafune and RIP Mega Man. I honestly no longer care.

Hahahahahahaha! This shit was hilarious! Some people take shit way too fucking seriously. Get over yourself.

People are still playing counter-strike? What year is this?

Dude, the stick is logged so far up your ass you can’t even identify sarcasm if someone smacked you in the face with it. What a shame.

Brian, dude, it’s like you and I have the exact same taste in music. It’s really great to meet someone that appreciates good music and doesn’t just listen to what everyone else is listening to, regardless of quality.

As well they should. If I were a Japanese person, I wouldn’t want to see some foreigner playing a manga character, regardless of what ethnicity the manga character actually was. Even if the foreigner spoke perfect Japanese, the appeal of these types of movies are the all Japanese cast. Japan is still a largely