Manuel Not Included

There’s a very simple reason why McQueary didn’t go to the cops right away: sometimes when we see things that go against our pre-existing beliefs, our brains work their asses off to come up with reasoning. McQueary respected Sandusky as a football coach and seeing him rape a child was outside of what he expected. So

Yes,  That is correct.  Unlike Alabama, the Phillies pay their athletes.

Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.

Dang, I feel a bit let down. This entry felt downright tame. Of course, I don’t think anything could top last year’s Fucktomb. I’d say this was the best dig that I don’t remember seeing in previous entries in some variation:

I like where you’re at but may I suggest that we graft a basketball cannon onto his chest instead?

At what point do we scrap this experiment, amputate his arm and fashion a sort of basketball catapult for him to use?

Sorry... you’re calling Brett Brown an elite NBA coach????? The constant topic of Philly sports talk radio for the past X months has been whether he should be canned if he doesn’t get out of the 2nd round this year.

“I don’t know what kind of business you’re in, but I tell ya what, if I was a head of a newspaper, and you didn’t do your job, you’d be held accountable.”

...was long on criticism, firm in his belief 

It’s great news that the cops kept their composure and didn’t commit any “shooting fouls”

Bill is spelled B-I-L-L, not B-E-N.


Philly fans will never be the worst in a world where Patriots fans still exist.

A-fucking- men. The Sixers are keeping him as insurance. He’s a bad player. They don’t owe him shit for being a bad player who they happened to draft too high.

What’s “going on here” is the Sixers deciding they’d rather keep a big man on their bench, as an emergency reserve, rather than pay him to play for another team. While the player thinks he has an inalienable right to playing time, and that if the team that drafted and pays him won’t do it, that they are supposed to

This one time, when I lived in Philly, I got on the wrong ramp and ended up going over the Franklin Bridge into Camden, New Jersey. Then I had to pay a toll to go back across. That’s right, they make you pay to leave New Jersey. Money well spent.

“Maybe my standards are too high as a Wisconsinite” is a phrase that’s really only allowed to be said in reference to football, certain non-fancy types of cheese, and windshield scrapers, so good job making use of it.

Man, I heard the TNT guys (maybe it was just Chuck? Kenny did this whole microwave vs baking in an oven analogy) saying ‘Now they know they can’t win a championship’ and all I could think was:

This sure beats the hell out of all of those fucked up brain donations.

I look forward to reading From Butt Fumble to What?! Fumble?!: An Oral History of the Jets.