Manuél Ferrari


Do it, Ford! Put the world on notice!

Oh shit!

I see what you did there, and I approve.

Ford GT

This is a skillful and well-executed post.

I don't hate you guys. I just knew this question would elicit some ridiculous answers so I decided to add fuel to the fire.


288 months now? Holy god man, have you no shame?

Bucs 2013: Staph infection

I could swear I saw part of the cord in one of those grooves.

I need get this shirt for a woman in my life immediately.


It wasn't particularly pretty from the front.

Bangle was a visionary, but Bangle's ideas worked far better in concept than as translated to production. If the 6-Series had looked like the Z9 concept it was based on, that would have been a lasting beauty. As it is, the E63 looks great from the front three-quarter view, but 30 years from now we'll still be saying

A Michigan fan's wet dream.

Must be a Pac-12 thing