Manuél Ferrari

Not sure if you saw my follow up comments or not. I wasn't trying to say that all of these guys would magically be better people if they had a significant other. And I also wasn't trying to say that all of the guys who act like this are angry because they don't have a SO. I was just theorizing on who some of these

I don't know what Moot or /b/ is. I'm not very smart about this stuff :P

If only more people would try your plan. The world would be a beggar place!

I dunno. I'd rather just get the real deal. 997.2 GT3 FTW!

Easy, free and international access too. At least before the most people could easily do was look for some local group of assholes to hang out with.

Exactly. Everyone needs to accept responsibility for their situation. Taking it out on others is weak.

Wow. Definitely too old to be acting like that.

I don't get that. How old was he?

What's ironic about it is that so many men believe in "free market capitalism". And the basic tenant of it is that nobody is owed anything and everyone has to prove their worth to the economy by providing a useful skill. Yet so many people feel that they inherently deserve to be with someone and then get angry when it

Then I don't feel so bad!

Ah, got it. Thanks for letting me know :)

Haha. What morons.

I am such a noob to Internet culture. Before becoming a frequent visitor of Gawker sites I didn't even know what Polandball was, lol

Same kind of concept applies to white guys who are mad at minorities because they think they deserve to have a good job simply because they are white and male.

That really sucks. Freaky stuff is only OK if both people wanted it and consented to it. It can't just be a surprise for one person and not stop when asked. Ugh

Wow I didn't know that. Now it all makes sense.

Haha good question.

True that is a whole different animal. I didn't mean to infer that all of these guys are like that. Was just saying it could be a subsection of the population. Lonely + hacking skills + shithead = bad times

Very true. Men need to learn to blame themselves. Many men blame women because they think women don't like them because the guy isn't successful enough or good looking enough. There is nothing wrong with a women not liking a guy for those reasons. What's ironic about it is that in many cases the guy isn't attractive

I'm sorry that happened. That sucks :(