Manuél Ferrari

Haha I forgot about that

I know, ugh.

Haha it was an emotional bet. I wanted them to win so bad..

I have no idea. But we need justice for Mike Bibby's nose!

But he can have revenge with his half of 2B.

Only if you tell her that you're a billionaire. Or at least a 9 digit millionaire.

The Sacramento Kings will finally be avenged!


Haha classic.

True but this is why he's so conflicted and keeps changing his mind - selling his franchise for a record amount does feed the ego. On one hand the forced sale hurts his ego but on the other hand a 2B price tag feeds it even though he is already rich.

Definitely. And it was probably a lot like this:

You will think this is funny:

I know what you mean but I would assume that super rich people still get excited over a 2B figure, even if they already have more money than they or their kids can spend.

Yup. He needs to be committed SOON.

I wonder if he has video footage of him and Mark Cuban killing a hooker and that's why Cuban defended him in a roundabout way on TV.

Nope, that's the (insane) gist of the matter. It makes zero sense from a financial perspective.

The constant waffling is a sign that he's not all there. He probably forgets what he previously said.

Somebody give this crazy old guy some meds to make his life less miserable for himself and others.

That is part of it. The other part is that he wants to run the triangle and the only people who know anything about it used to work with him or play for him.

And don't forget his brief appearance in Oz where he motivated inmates to uh, nevermind...