Woah. Drunk people get in fights? Stop the presses!
Woah. Drunk people get in fights? Stop the presses!
So calling a person unintelligent and uninformed means black? That’s pretty racist in itself. Idiot #doublestandard
So standing for the anthem and protesting the game is evil, but protesting the athemn itself is patriotic? Idiots. #doublestandards
They have the right to kneel, they have the right to trample over the Graves of all those soldiers who fought for those rights. Just remember the NBA is a business and doesn’t want to lose all of us Americans who have the right to turn this rot off.
Liberals eat their own. /Yawn
The only people who are “kicked off” are the millions of Americans who are not long forced to buy something they don’t. Need. Funny how you contort the facts!
“Many” fans. Ha
Get your liberal Trump bashing off my video game site.!!
More examples of why I don’t read deadapin. Get your liberal hack ideas out of my sports.
You guys are idiots.
I’m so glad I don’t come here for sports news anymore!!!
*Law speaker. He was never a scholar.
Why do I come and read this site again? Laters!