I think you did not apprehend the meaning of "invited me" in the last paragraph of the text...
I think you did not apprehend the meaning of "invited me" in the last paragraph of the text...
You should definitely try Train Surfing... It's like if Parkour met AmTrak, while high on coke and speed, and sponsored by RedBull....
You've got to be shitting me......
not like if there was plenty of stuff like this on the market already...
Hi my name is Bafetimbi, I am the heir of the Angolan Throne.
Calcium : good for your bones, not for your brain...
The Youtube account actually links to the white Bugatti EB110 SS and a F50...
That would go in the "dirty bum" category.
I know, jumping in front of an oncoming train seems to be the standard for suicides in Paris... Like if they suddenly realize how shitty were their lives while going to work, waiting for the subway... and then they decided to annoy the shit out of everyone else in need of a subterranean transportation that day...
People taller than 160 cm trying to enter the Piccadilly Line, while running, forgetting to bend their whole torso to avoir the ridiculously low doorway ?