
A friend of mine had an old Opel Corsa, but the COR of corsa had run away with time... we took the Opel sign, mixed the letters and stuck them next to the SA left from Corsa... it then spelt SALOPE which is french for "bitch / whore "

Now playing

In Lyon (France) we have this place call the i-way, which is basically a giant car-simulation videogame where you drive cars on springs that makes you drive feel like you are in a real LM or F1 or rallye car (mainly because you actually are in plastic and carbon replica of one of thiese...).

Then why don't they just stop the process at "then uses the carbon dioxide and hydrogen to produce methanol" ?

"Hydrogen is then produced by electrolysing water vapour captured with a dehumidifier."

aaaah Lancashire... The Florida of England... I've been there, I know...

I love how not a single driver or passengers seems to be even slightly hurt... Eat that, Health and Safety !

O'd go for the french PGO Speedster, a blatant and assumed modernized copy of the Porsche 356 Speedster....

Gardner Douglas T70 Spyder

There's worst...

Lady please, I'm french !

Hey you, filming with an ipad : you're stupid !

I think you're onto something there, because of this frame, and because of the reverse light on each side of the plate...

After seeing the footage a few times, my money is on an american coupé from the late 70s early 80s, according to the angle and the position of the taillights...

I live in Lyon, France, and I've known the Jean Merieux BSL4 Laboratory, which we call the P4, for quite a while now... I live just 4km away from it.

Wait, they've got cameras in Romania? and helicopters ?? damn !!

Now playing

No chainsaw, but very close... the Circular Sawblades SLingshot !

Wait... X6 ? Has BMW been bought by the VW group recently ?

Or even a few grams, but then it would be less like a steak and more like a tartare...

my thought too...

Friend, I fear you just filed under #COTD with this freakin funny feedback.