
That link was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I subscribedto the Post.

I don’t think I would admit to that.


It’s for the kids of the help.

I sorta like that one song of theirs that plays every 11 minutes.

Yeah, the only thing I can figure is that they’re saying “this truck can haul 2200 pounds, which is what 4 cubic meters (1.1 cords) of dried spruce weighs”. It really doesn’t make any sense, but then, neither does a Mercedes pickup.

Why yes.

Yeah, a properly stacked cord of wood is 128 cubic feet. As I’ve said elsewhere, the most I’ve seen hauled in a full-size pickup is 3/4 cord. I’m guessing they’re basing their claim on weight, rather than volume.


It’s real and is still in common usage anywhere people heat with wood. Which is still a large portion of the US.

No 3X in the racerback tank?

It’s Tomato Face.

It’s Tomato Face.

I recognize 0% of these names.


Bitch, please. Everyone knows those are units of time.

No, but a third of a cord is a rick.

Naw, it was just a plain old flatbed, so we could only get about half of it to slide off by reversing really fast and braking. Took a good five minutes.

It’s in the fucking article you apparently didn’t read.

Yeah, a cord of wood is bigger than you think. It also weighs anywhere from 2,000 to 4,000 pounds, depending on the variety of wood. The most I’ve seen stacked in a pickup for hauling on public roads was 3/4 of a cord. We used to haul 4 1/2 to 5 cord in an IH 1600. Which took me and my two cousins four hours to fill.