
Yeah, that was pretty humiliating for her, I think.

Yeah, I even think the boos for the Putin horse joke were in that vein, but I could be wrong.

I’ve believd it from the moment I saw the video. Donald was furious.

But, were they in Russian?

We’ve had forms of birth control for millennia. Some forms were even effective.

I didn’t think she was mocking, but, of course, your interpretation is correct.

Yeah, that’s better than my interpretation.


You’re right, I just relistened to that one. Two or three boos. On the funniest joke of the evening.

I just rewatched the Statue of Liberty joke a few more times. She’s absolutely not being booed.

She wasn’t being booed, that was a solid joke. I heard some groans, but that’s a horse of a different color.

Yeah, I watched it live then watched a different feed on YouTube. There were three or four Clinton jokes that didn’t land, one cruelly funny one that people pretended not to hear, and zero boos for Clinton. You’re not reporting accurately on what happened.

That was Rudy Giuliani.

This guy has no idea what he’s talking about. There were no boos, but there were jokes that didn’t land.

I’m pretty sure that you weren’t watching the same thing as the rest of us.

That’s what a rage-induced mini-stroke looks like.

I’m guessing he’s too vain for reading glasses or large size print.

Technically, I believe he was saying “Eh!?! Eh!?!”

She meant 45-years-old. She was making fun of the fact that Trump has said any woman over 35 is too old for him. (His wife, Melania, turned 46 in April.)

I’m pretty sure he has a mini-stroke every time Clinton smiles.