
That was delicious.

Are you tone deaf?

“this isn’t half bad!”

Ummmmm... who put you in charge of deciding if they were raped?

I’m very sorry.


I am so going to kick his ass.

You already know the answers to your questions.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


Sadly, I rarely give Chris Brown the benefit of the doubt.


Haute taek, sis.

“...was inherently less ‘pure’ than...”

You’re a terrible person and my wife is going to be furious at you soon.


And two spaces after a colon.

+1 semi-obscure Shakespeare play.

The fact that Congress made it illegal to bring them to the US and that Congress holds the purse strings kind of hamstrung him there. I give him credit for what they have accomplished.

I don’t mean to take away from the very real work President Obama has done, but I always viewed his Nobel as an atta-boy to the American people for electing the black guy.