
Please attempt to “randomly rest” your hand in the same way Zina Bash did during the hearing and let us know if it feels natural.

One of the best things about being in my 40s is having no clue who these people are.

I made do with a mix of the Switch Pro controller while docked and my original not-really-a-d-pad Joycon for over a year. I even powered my way through the all 10 Mega Man games in the two Legacy Collections.

Not at all. I’m not a big anime fan but I find when I’m watching a foreign film that a dubbed film will inevitably alter the original actors’ performances. I understand people not wanting to read subtitles when watching a film but I’d rather make the extra effort than watch a compromised version of the film

And this is how you lose your shit. I’m dad and since it’s my money, this is now my account. Which I will cancel after taking your shit. Also thanks for agreeing to paint the house. And our neighbors. You’re also grounded for a...Wait for it. Fortnight. Dad wins.

We’re working on it! Tweet at Michael @swampfriend Kerwin on Twitter . . . lol

Huh. Are we sure this is a teaser for an actual movie and not the music video for Scary Love by The Neighborhood?

“The game’s open world is refreshingly grey and subdued compared to some of the oversaturated colors and high contrasts of games like Horizon Zero Dawn and Dragon Age: Inquisition”

The fuck? I guess we’ve come full circle in our criticism of video games. Feels like only yesterday we were complaining that every game had

bruh..... do you even DBZ? While I can (kind of?) see what they mean, them thinking its just the one after 3 its.. well even then its not correct because super saiyan blue is just super saiyan but using divine ki, so technically its STILL just super saiyan 1, but just as a god.

Nope. It’s still the biggest piece of shit ever.

It’s Lovecraft’s The Colour Out of Space.

Pretty much every portion of Darkest Dungeon has a heavy Lovecraftian hook in it. This will be less sci-fi than it will be a continuation of Lovecraft’s use of “a horror from beyond the stars.”

Remember, even High Priest Cthulhu (who is not a god, damn it all; he’s just a priest

Age will do that.

Ever since I turned thirty, my primary method of participating in Black Friday has been as follows:

-Get up around 4 a.m. (I do this anyway, because I have a cat, and the furry little bastard is nothing if he’s not punctual about his goddamned food).

-Take a shower, shave, put on some comfortable

The Switch never not gets games.

Hell, I’m not even OK with just 3D rendered mechs, either. There is very little in anime that’s more beautiful than fully hand-drawn machinery.

Now playing

Track: Autumn Leaves | Artist: Nat King Cole | Album: N/A (The Nat King Cole Show) 


Git gud

In an alternate universe, perhaps one where Shadow of Mordor’s Nemesis System was actually copied by multiple games in the same way Batman’s combat was, Shadow of the Colossus inspired many copycats that improved upon the original concept to create greater games that could be seen as “perfecting the formula.”

While I’m not sure MS are doing the right thing from a business standpoint they absolutely are from a customer relations one., if they could snag more exclusives it would help for sure . And keep in mind that the majority of games sold are multi platform titles that do appear on Xbox .

A successful Sony is also an arrogant Sony. And an arrogant Sony leads to colossal future fuck ups.