
I 100% agree. Unfortunately flash draws in the eye faster than depth of experience. Quick flash vs slow burn.

I understand that this doesn’t have the original dual stick version of the controller but I am shocked by the lack of Ape Escape. Also, I’d buy an PSOne RPG Edition. Not this one though. Many of the included games didn’t age well.

Would you all consider an article looking into the nuances between custom character creation, casual gaming, & competitive gaming in SCVI? This is rapidly becoming a hot topic for the game & one that could use some level headed analysis. Plus, it might encourage Bamco to fix the game ASAP in this regard.

How about this? Remake FFVI in the Octopath Traveler style.

Completely endorse this recommendation. Picked up my SN30 Pro last month and absolutely love it.

This article is accurate. I regularly play X1 and know it about as well as anyone could. Just beat it one the Switch today and the slowdown happens in different places than on the SNES. It is strange because it happens at odd times. On the SNES I know exactly when slowdown will occur based on enemy location, my

@EthanGach Please approve this comment.

Where the hell is Left 4 Dead?

Today more than most days I read a Kotaku review I desire a hard number score.

I can hear both. At first I only heard Yanny in a high pitch. When I started focusing on the lower pitches I clearly heard Laurel. Very interesting!

Are you serious?! Dude, you just made my weekend.

Games you’ve pitched to Devolver: blah blah blah.

Ok. I know I don’t have much to add to this conversation but I’ll try.

Respect on the Japanese language setting.

People will pay $60-$120 for some BS Battlefront but can’t spend $20 on games made with love. Where is this forsaken world headed?

Switch for me. Holding that thing close to my face gives me the white knuckles I imagine Celeste experiences as she scaled the mountain.

I do kinda miss my notebook pages filled with Mega Man & Castlevania pictograph passwords.

Sounds like a helluva good day.

It is not so simple to tell one person to stay away if they have a gambling addiction. This is the tip of an iceberg of companies like EA nickel and diming us for gaming elements. I understand that these are companies in the business of making money but if they push too far and too hard they will burst a bubble and

As of now Switch owners are at the point where there are more games than can be purchased/played. Over 300 on the eshop now and apparently another 300 indies (not considering major party releases) coming before the end of the year.