Republic of Silence and of Night

You just know his browser history would give the lie to that particular statement.

“Fetish? Do you even know what that means?”

That cake’s eyes are filled with remorse, it is haunted by the things it has done. Its head may be full of icing, or possibly jam, but it is more self-aware than the human Trump will ever be.

Someone’s going to fuck that cake.

Going to star in the hopes of getting you out of the grays. I see your point, but that’s only necessary if you intend to identify with a party. Voting is also for people that don’t.

In fairness, I’m a Hillary supporter, and I have spent plenty of time this election cycle harassing strangers on the internet for laughs. Disgruntled Trump supporters are hilarious.

Thank you thank you thank you for this.

Please please please please put all of these on a t-shirt.

“Election laws are confusing and vary state-to-state.”

Right? This is such a New York exchange.

Haha it’s awesome that Trump had to walk by a drag bar to vote:)

I think so, another poster on another story mentioned the polling place is next to the drag bar where she held her bachelorette party.

An older woman walking out of her apartment building admonished those heckling the Trump family: “Don’t boo—vote.” A younger woman replied: “What do you think we’re standing in line for?”

Wait are they in front of Lips the drag bar? That’s kind of hilarious...

As a New Yorker, there is few offenses greater than cutting a fucking line. What a schmuck.

haven’t so far!

So. . . Is anyone going to get any work done today?

It helps that she's not as self-hating as Nikki Haley or Bobby Jindal

A friend of mine took his citizenship oath over a C++ handbook. They were totally ok with this.