Republic of Silence and of Night

This is a case of appearances deceiving.

She was “linked” to the L train death, but not as the perp. She just witnessed it —there was no push involved. The thing is, she was at the scene of the L train death and gave a bizarre and clearly delusional witness statement to police that she’d caused it, even though she simply couldn’t have.

Here’s the deal: the big reason De Blasio does not want to close Rikers is because the very likely result would be the dispersal of the population into other facilities throughout the five boroughs.

I’m normally an election junkie who grabs a good bourbon and watches results come in.

maybe he’s got…

It has to be brought up: before her career as A.G., Reno also evaded any taking any responsibility for taking part in a total miscarriage of justice in one of the most infamous Satanic Panic cases --and one where the defendant is still in jail

The thing that gets me, in my own situation: I was an outsider. And to my outside view, the case really hinged on both a conspiracy of silence (among the participants) but really a strong case of denial in the town itself.

I looked at this guy’s LinkedIn, which is still up. At least one of the properties this guy talked about as his sort of passion project is a “nature preserve.” There’s also references to short sales, which is a nice way of saying “vacant properties.”

but at least our shit will recycle!

With all due respect to Olivia Benson as a secular saint, that wouldn’t even begin to capture the feeling of despair this takes on.

The real tip-off was that the last cellphone ping from the two latest victims came from the area. Investigators came by with dogs. They noticed cyclone fencing was being put up, and then heard banging on the container.

That didn’t seem to be the case here. The first (known) South Carolina victims were people at a motorcycle shop who apparently pissed him off. The latest victims, he hired as help to clean up the plot of land where he ended up killing and imprisoning them.

It gets worse. The killer and his accomplice actually took part in search parties looking for the missing kid. It’s pretty sick.

He was apparently working for some company that does trade show displays. He probably put this down because realtors have to come up with ads and promotional items for their listings.

There’s also this: he’s an FAA registered pilot. So, we’re letting psychos go flying around in planes! What could possibly go wrong?!

The guy also left behind his LinkedIn page. I feel awful for having looked at it, and I hope nobody goes after any number of people who endorsed him (many), but the phrases “banality of evil” and “mask of sanity” come to mind.

Now playing

Murder + containers + Florida reference = obligatory invocation of

What’s even more infuriating: reading up on the Superbike murders (the quadruple homicide he committed and confessed to), the case was botched from the start by DNA error:

I feel like I have to share this, because reading accounts, there were suspicions by the neighbors about this guy, as well as people who noted that his Facebook was posting stories about the missing person case that seemed way too odd.

The part of this headline that just gnaws at me: the “at least.” Those are just the bodies on this selfsame property, that can be identified as such.