black light

bootlicking how? If you want the product as it is then buy it now. If you want the changes they’re making then wait. I don’t understand how them delisting a previous version and providing an updated version should persuade you either way. The games have been available for over 10 years, if you cared that much you

I mean, then go ahead and get the original releases before they’re delisted? You have 23 days to get them...


The market analysis I was speaking to was regarding nintendo’s own internal. You know since billion dollar companies invest in people to handle that stuff regularly and daily.

Right? People really turn a blind eye to things when it doesn’t affect them negatively. It only takes 30 seconds to look at instagram and see videos taken from other content creators and reposted on an account like boywithnojob. And while in some cases they may tag them, the original person is never getting that same

At this point the argument is dead man. Clearly your priorities and motivation don’t align with what their market analysis shows.

I’m gonna be in for a pre-order for a 256gb or 512gb model. there’s potential here to really open up a new market of gaming portables with success. Although I think it’s a stretch to see this being viable after 2 years I’ll throw a bone.

So for whatever reason I cannot see or respond to your comment IrvingLee.

There wasn’t a ton of stress from Microsoft; they agreed to process refunds and kept it moving. Sony knowingly backed themselves into a corner with their refund policy and refused to bend it in any capacity until it became a media frenzy. And then rather than improve the terms of their refund policy in a more consumer

To be honest the differences in how ps4 to ps5 upgrades are handled vs xbox family is just a direct result of the way the next generation handles legacy titles. Xbox family has it so that titles scale up as high as possible based on available bandwidth channels, whether it’s a base one, one X, Series S or Series X.

This is egregious how? Employees breaking legally binding contracts and performing what could be considered corporate espionage? So I can go leak covid vaccine information on various public figures in the US “given the scope of things?” To say it’s something so petty underscores the effort of the 400 employees of TPC

I mean how much protection does that really provide? Even though they don’t host them and P2P their compression code and names are all over them.  But I’m not gonna act like I know any better, probably what you said is enough to stay in the grey zone.

Does anyone know or understand how the compression/repack scene hasn’t been sent to the nether like this yet?

I honestly love this age old discussion on BC. It always starts with “X company doesn’t think that people want to play their old games.” Then it progresses to “They only made available the 5 games I hate, license more titles.” Then it goes to “well they got a game I want but due to licensing costs they had to get

Sternography is writing in shorthand... not sure that’s what you mean in this situation. And it’s considered good journalism to present all facts an information as accurately as possible, when possible. Which is what he did by stating this is what the streamer stated, including estimates. No where in this article did

I mean that’s how journalism works. Every statement is an inference from how the journalist infers and digests the information. Which is why he responsibly made clear in each paragraph regarding financial numbers as coming from Ahgren himself. 

Correct me if I’m wrong but for DLSS support the developers need to make specific improvements and also have a partnership with Nvidia in order to implement it. And also for the neural network improvements wouldn’t that require patches and updates to drivers periodically to send data back and to also deliver

Some discontinuation...

I think the third pillar statement was only used because the psp was coming out and that seemed to be a more natural evolution of handheld gaming. Kudos to Nintendo for pumping Rnd funds into input and interface continuously. They’ve changed games for the better. Even though they miss more than hit.

So lemme try to understand this, Apple wants valve to disclose it’s sales and financials from an open ecosystem (PC) where consumers and developers and decide where and how to distribute/purchase their product to prove that Apple’s closed ecosystem is the same and fair?