Hedley Lamarck

When I was in California I was struck by how some of the street kids had better dental work done than I did.

I can't. The motherfuckers always call me back.

That's like my friend who went on a little trip to Amsterdam and got himself deported. I don't think he's told anyone what exactly he did for them to decide he'd crossed a line that even that country won't tolerate, but whatever it was earned him a free plane ticket home with a police escort.

The media arms of those two countries probably have less of their budgets allocated to internet trolling.

That's not champagne, you fool!

I felt like such a genius when I figured that in my corner of the world you can get a shot of whiskey or whatever into your frappucino without carrying your own flask with you.

I've had a rather eventful weekend. On the pop culture end of things, I was asked if I was a "road girl" when I somehow found myself discussing grime with some Brits who talked me into going to see these dudes live:….

Upvoted by creeper. Not that there's anything wrong with that. You do you man.

I didn't mean inherently bad, just that there can be this negative element that doesn't exist elsewhere in the same way (not that there aren't other ways of exploiting grieving people).

Having just come back from a run with quite a few of her songs in my playlist for any kind of exercise, this is good news. I also need to go shower now so I won't bother to look up if remember correctly that some Sri Lankan officials released a statment saying something like "you keep making music, but please, we're

The thing is, people don't just express grief online with some message as if they were shouting into a void, without it having any wider context that affects how and why this is done. Subjects like death and loss are attention-grabbing in a way that can at its worst allow people who are in need of expressing their

Some of it must be just personality traits that aren't by themselves good or bad, but the kind of stuff some people will set out to exploit in some circumstances. And depending on the place you live it can be easier to weed out the shitty people and still have some options left.

I hope I can phrase this at least somewhat correctly: When I read this kind of stuff, it makes me wonder how come I don't run into more creepy or abusive in the context of being a somewhat accomplished slut. It isn't a good idea in general to think one is unlikely to attract that type of person, but can it not be true

Last week I was out for lunch with some coworkers, and my boss started talking about how she always orders duck at Chinese restaurants because with duck she can tell by looking that it's the kind of meat she ordered, and then another coworker followed it up with an anecdote I kinda regret I didn't respond to with an

At first I thought that they were going to make it about how the queens were being cooked alive under those lights. And I feel bad as well, though I think it's a part of Drag Race to make plot points from things that can largely be explained by thins like exhaustion. I don't think we saw her at her best, and I hope

As is fitting for a great episode of television, Dax was serving some Nixon debating Kennedy realness when they were going over the choreography. You could even see that the editing wasn't chronological based on how much she was sweating.

Thanks! It is a really fraught and complicated topic, which is why people can feel bad about others resorting to cosmetic surgery due to failing to appreciate their natural beauty, unlike the work they had done, which was just about making things proportional.

I hope they'll include some winking references to for those of us who are fans of the original.

How about a little understanding, it can be an unfamiliar situation to some people. It's not like there are any white women whose hair is treated in a way that could be connected to society's messed up beauty standards.