Hedley Lamarck

It's tacky enough that my sister has told me she has dibs on all our parents' fake antiques they brought from China, while I get the rest: including modernist stuff like many Le Corbusier pieces (more than you'd expect for couple that shops at Lidl), and a whole lotta Alvar Aalto and Muurame. More than I think I'll

As a woman I still listen to a lot of misogynistic music and in a way take the male songwriters side of looking at things when I listen to it (or maybe I'm so much if a misandrist that it works fine if I just flip the genders) . One of the things art is good for is experiencing stories etc from points of view other

I wasn't arguing that. I just don't think I've seen "is this a good message to be sending our boys?" being used to dismiss songs by as many people who actually listen to popular music that much. It's a very one-dimensional way of looking at things, and a bad standard to hold music that's not made for children. Which

I remember kids singing along to this song on my schoolbus. I had no idea I should have been taking it so personally.

Yeah, but he'd like Chilli to know he still finds her hot though, but if she ever changes her mind, she'd still owe him an explanation.

I came to this article sympathetic to working class guys who face expectations that they should make more than their partner. But is it just me, or is the criticism: "is this a good message to send to young girls?" a whole lot more common than questioning if some music is good for impressionable young male minds, at

He mentioned that reading about gay-for-pay porn actors had to do with them coming up with this idea ("if they can cum when they're being sucked off by a guy if they're thinking about other stuff, and cumming when you're being sucked off by someone is preferable to just jackin' it, and possibly worth a turn being the

A friend of mine told me how he was once hanging out with his best friend, and despite both of them being straight men, they wanted to try out if they could get off on blowing each other, just because it would have been really awesome and convenient if they could. Turns out it didn't work that way for them, but I

Duh, but during this heatwave it is both more comfortable and practical to wear a potato sack that shows some skin. How else would I lure myself the material for next winter's coat?

That's not true, or fair. Some of us prefer to be dressed in what resembles some kind of potato sack instead of human clothes.

Those tweets are not from so long ago that I could be understanding… of how someone could progress from the equivalent of a particularly groan-worthy AV Club commenter to getting one of the most coveted jobs in comedy.

Somebody once described an ex of mine as looking like the "the sexiest nerd at the convention".

It sorta bothers me that The Flaming Lips wanted to do the same glitter bukkake thing with Erykah Badu, but she had the good sense to bail out. And now that same stuff is being sold as "just being Miley".

A lot of people are having weird boners after seeing Miley kiss that tall skinny dancer lady during her performance.

VMA thoughts, reposted to a more relevant article: Today I was happy to learn that Laganja Estranja stole the spotlight from Miley during the final number with a death drop I image she's been dreaming of upstaging Miley with with since Hannah Montana stole her shtick (clueless white person who thinks adopting "hood"

VMA thoughts: Today I was happy to learn that Laganja Estranga stole the spotlight from Miley during the final number with a death drop I image she's been dreaming of upstaging Miley with with since Hannah Montana stole her shtick (clueless white person who thinks adopting "hood" affectations and an overemphasis on

It's a shame no one ever made a video with instructions for her on how to avoid having children with Charlie Sheen.

That's true. I have a friend who was banned from the frigging Netherlands for an even longer time. But being detained for some time, then flown back with a police escort was a humbling experience, which is the exact opposite of Tyler's situation. As there really isn't a way to send any kind of consistent message by

I don't know if people use business cards anymore, so maybe he couldn't just hand ones out to everyone that read:

The CNN piece linked to in this article is from earlier this year. He could have said something like: "I make art, not how-to guides for living your life.", calling out both certain fans of his as well as people opposed to him playing for not getting it. Based on that article at least, he did something very different