If there's some woman who can be somehow blamed for this ban, she'll probably receive more abuse than Tyler playing there would have incited.
If there's some woman who can be somehow blamed for this ban, she'll probably receive more abuse than Tyler playing there would have incited.
*Spike Jonze comes home to find a congratulatory note inexplicably delivered to his doorstep.*
It'd make a good conversation starter when the repo men come by.
But there are just so many of these tweets to read, and it's much easier to pick the first one that could be interpreted as not being representative of any kind of marginalization, point this out, and go about ones business in good conscience knowing that the no significant evidence of systematic bias was to be found!
I'm sure a lot of people who don't see this as anything worth drawing attention to are the same people who will get annoyed when they see comments like "white guys, amirite?' online.
How about "skullfucker"?
I'd look into what quicksilver is going for these days. I mean, my great uncle got two shipping containers and all the booze he could drink, and still had enough to leave a sizable inheritance of the stuff.
I so need this: http://payload386.cargocoll…
I had to look that up… The next part is:
I too, after some consideration came to the conclusion that low-waisted jeans are better for a number of reasons. But I think the preferred style of jeans for men where I am is "ill-fitting".
It's easy to miss that part because it hasn't really been the focus of much reporting, even though she even gave names that were involved in two of these incidents and, as a journalist herself, might have done so hoping someone would look into it. I certainly hope someone would, before we see Straight Outta Compton…
From Barnes' Gawker essay:
Some t-shirts, ball cream for riding your bike, and …a book promising "a new way of getting your children to sleep"?
Nothing says being on the cutting edge of things like your own brand of rosé.
After writing this I read on Wikipedia that in 2011 an outbreak of Legionnaire's disease was traced to hot tub in said grotto. Then there's this - it's got quaaludes and everything!: http://www.cosmopolitan.com…
I dunno, might be that there are diseases that have been eradicated from the rest of the planet hiding in some nook of the grotto that would be best left undisturbed.
The first link that came up when I googled it was a Daily Mail piece, so I wanted to look for another media outlet to link to and just took the second link that came up. Then I thought it didn't look very well sourced, but when the other results have more details of abuse and Feldman saying his place is "just like the…
There's just so much sadness in the fact that Feldman's neglectful and abusive mother used to work as a bunny at a Playboy club when he was a kid, and now he's got his Corey's Angels thing, that I think even Bojack Horseman would need to a spread it out over a season-long storyline to cover his life without it being…
But probably a higher capacity for drugs, some of which might by chance be performance-enhancing, so that might be in his favor.