
umm no sorry didn’t you read the article all women like it all women like the same things getting a woman off is just like a video game up up down down ABAB down down up start

That’s the most jelly beans ever in one place at one time. Period.

But Parker himself didn’t say stop so, by his own logic, not only should the journalist kept going, he should have invited two other journalists into the room to keep asking the same question.

Maybe not in France and London?

eh, she should have told them to just photoshop that part out.

It’s a victimless crime, like punching someone in the dark.

But she knew the character, not the woman. Didn’t know her soul or what her favorite emojis are. For all Kristen knew, she turned herself into vapor at the end of filming each day. Where’s the personal connection? She didn’t know know her, you know?

You just gave me an idea for a devilishly evil brilliant plan!

I suppose he can take heart in the fact that almost every review I’ve read said Batfleck was the best part of the movie, and he was well-suited to the role (no pun intended).

It’s safe to say that the audience...

Media attention is like heroin. Strangely addictive and the end-result will be death by choking on your vomit.

Trevor Noah always gives me the dudebro “im just kidding” vibe and i am not here for it.

No one ever asks me out

Dear Entire Town of Dearborn, Kansas,

Twelve Asshats Running

Step 1) Make shit app