
I like how you claim he is mediocre and talentless, it's funny cuz he's got you talking about him. Also, how many people know his name vs yours?  Probably a lot more. But, ya, he's mediocre.

We all knew that nothing would change once this report was released, right.  Haters gonna keep on hating, it's what they do. We know what America has done in the past. We know White people have been running shit since forever and will continue to do so. So let's stop playing games and all just stay in our own lanes

You’re wasting your time. These aren't open minded people you're talking to here. They're herd type of people, not really the think for themselves type of people. 

I think your type is why society is failing. You lash out and demonize someone who has a different opinion from you. People gotta die. If you are born with a bad immune system, then sorry, you’re one of those people. Not my problem.

Some people weren't built for survival. Sorry Charlie, you've got a bad immune system, not societies problem.  Quit messing with the evolution process and let the weak die off

Ummm, no.  Profit margins are waaaayyyy higher than 5 or even 20%. I'm sure that's what the contractors bidding on these jobs would like us to believe, but the price tag on these projects suggest 100% if not more. The way there gov blows through tax dollars, you don't think it's higher than 20% profit

You mean like the questions she asked that Wells Fargo exec?  Those were incredible!  I was embarrassed for that poor girl. Asking why they were in the business of caging children?! Really?  They're a bank girl, they don't cage children

She’s not a moron, just too young. She needs to live in the real world a while before trying to dictate how we all should live

Why would they call her anything at all. Everyone needs to just shrug off everything that little nitwit says. She's way too young and inexperienced in life to get to have anymore input in grown up conversations. She needs to be moved to the kiddie table for a few more years

Crazy that a typo is deemed newsworthy these days. I think there are way too many “news” outlets these days, and I use that term very loosely.

Evenchick fill a required purchase

Iranians are NOT Caucasian. I don't care how much weed you smoke to convince yourself they are. They are NOT.  This is gonna be very unpopular here but not all are created equal. Just a fact

Can’t we just split?  I mean there's two sides who want what they want, and there's this huge chunk of land that is the USA. Neither side is bending, neither is working together. I feel like all we're doing is undoing whatever the other side did when they were in control. Maybe we should have just let the Democrats

You sound like a real elitist piece of poop, is that what you were going for here? I think you’re living in a bubble. Have you ever even been to the Midwest? It’s a beautiful place full of respectful, hard-working people. Much less of a gap in income also. You won’t see multi million dollar homes, and Tesla driving

C’mon everybody, you know this is a complete load of crap. The fact that this many people actually believe this is a real news story is very scary. People, stop believing everything in the media, all the propaganda and fear mongering is turning the entire country into sheep. Pull your heads out of your asses please