
Oh, yeah. Forgot about that one. It's probably the only Snyder film I've never seen. I heard it's pretty bad—on a number of levels.

I don't know if I agree with these takes…BUT I LIKE THEM.

Carlin in his prime is my favorite comic ever.

Yeah, the impression I got from the bit was that he was angry that we don't treat our teachers better.

When I was teaching, I would always begin the year with stuff they would like. Cracked articles for example. And then over time we would explore some of the allusions or references in the articles to see what inspired the articles, which helped them to appreciate the articles even more. Or we would do the same thing

I think that's what made it so powerful—it's that DFW was speaking from experience. He was struggling to remind himself "this is water." He lost that battle. The reader doesn't.

Good lord, has it really been almost 5 years since Dredd???

He also did his time, and he is still, to this day, despite having already met the requirements of his parole, still putting on and personally funding educational efforts around the treatment of animals.

This is why I get so angry when I would hear shit about Michael Vick while he was making his comeback. Dude did his time, seemed genuinely sorry about his actions and had made genuine efforts to atone for them (and continues to do so). Let him live his life. Genuine remorse goes a long way with me. We all fuck up. We

Look the story up. There is more than enough evidence to believe it happened.

Eh, it's probably more than 20-percent of artists. Hell, even the "local" artists I know tend to be creeps if the "locals" deem them at all worthy of attention. (I hope that makes sense.)

Being a tailor—still more believable than being able to create magical web shooters.

My observations from being on the internet seems to be that it is. Maybe it's just on certain websites? (BMD?)

Sooo… Peter Parker can, like, create magical web shooters, but it's too much to believe that he knows how to sew?

Exactly! The first Captain America was just a pretty fun movie, but also showed how to still tell a story without necessarily delivering a "character arc." The romance between Steve and Agent Carter is still far and away the best love story told in the MCU and actually infused the movie with some genuine pathos and

The core of Peter Parker is someone we sad sacks (I'm speaking for myself here, not necessarily you) RELATE to, not someone we ASPIRE to.

I don't know why it's a hot take. That was a hell of a film.

I never understood the undying affection shown for Winter Soldier. Other than the action scenes, it was a dour, boring movie for me. People said it was basically a 70s political thriller with Captain America thrown in, but it wasn't that at all. And Fury is so full of foresight and has access to such unlimited

Well, if I remember correctly, the movie did show the numbers wonk on Ness's team realizing Capone hadn't paid his taxes and them going with that to snag him. At least it's a nod or something.

Refn's true muse is obviously Tom Hardy, as Bronson is probably both of their best film. Too bad they hate each other.