
Eh. It's like somebody else said, it's a matter of taste. Lee was trying to balance realism with entertainment. Some people like the realism better. I dig both Lee's and Chan's styles, but if forced to choose one I'll go with Chan every time.

Who's the better martial artist isn't so clear cut, though. It's reasonable to assume Lee was the better "fighter," but Chan actually had a much more thorough and immersive "martial arts" training.

This is an unpopular opinion, but it's true (by which I mean I agree with it). I've had this argument with plenty of people. I love Bruce Lee. I love his movies. He's one of the biggest influences on my life. But if we're being honest, Chan is the superior performer. And by adding comedy into the mix, he's far more of

This is a great post, and I agree with almost everything, so much that I wish we could applaud in the comments section. However, I think Ratner gets a bad rap because he's a douche and because he made the crappy X-Men movie. But he's actually a consistent and competent director. Red Dragon doesn't get nearly enough

BASIC storytelling. WWE hasn't been able to pull it off in at least a decade. The closest they came was by accident with the rise of Daniel Bryan. And they even mucked that up in a half-dozen insanely idiotic ways. It's why I can't even watch WWE anymore. The in-ring product has been improving little by little, but

"Actually, Speedy Gonzalez is a racist character…."

This is precisely my frustration with the criticism of teachers in this country. I watched "Waiting for Superman" and I thought, angrily, "THERE'S ONLY ONE MICHAEL JORDAN IN ALL OF BASKETBALL, HOW CAN EVERY TEACHER BE MICHAEL JORDAN YOU FUCKING TWITS?" I'm not even a teacher. And I get that really bad teachers who put

Masterpiece is perhaps too high of an expectation, you're right. But when movies like Spider-man 2 and The Dark Knight exist, I don't think it's too much to ask for Marvel to make movies as effective as they are. And yes, I know this is something of a subjective thing and many people would argue that the Marvel

Yeah, I get that. The devil's in the details. Like having the hero want something interesting, and having conflict with interesting villains and/or situations, having something of import happen when the hero inevitably fails the first time and then having the hero get something meaningful from his success. This is

This is why you're ridiculous. I'm not anti-marvel. Their movies are competently made, yes. They do very well with the characterization of their heroes. I think the audience generally gets what they pay for. The frustrating thing is precisely that, unlike DC, they seem to have all the pieces into place to make really

Really? You're ridiculous.

You ignore that Raiders had memorable villains and that we actually worried about Indy because, you know, he wasn't flying around in a gazillion dollar metal suit.

This is not true at all. There are plenty of movies that have interesting villains, for example. Or where the shit that happens on screen has actual consequences. There are actual superhero movies already made that through enough variation into the formula that they feel like completely different movies than Marvel

The problem with the Marvel films is that the formula is literally the same from movie to movie. "Guy (usually) with awesome/unrealistic abilities and a witty repartee battles one-dimensional, difficult-to-remember villains with vague motivations. Jokes are told and tension rises as the hero and villain chase some

Yes. Exactly. As I stated, she's a "politician." She's not evil. She's not stupid. She doesn't suffer from a sociopathic form of narcissim. She's not Donald Trump. The point was the bad things you can say about her can be said about any other politician. My only disagreement with you is that politicians, because of

She's a lying, duplicitous, greedy, power-monging, shill for the economic elite. Which is just to say that she's a "politician." There are obviously better things to be in this world. But you look at Trump, and you realize that a true-blue politician is preferable to whatever it is he is.

Nixon also ended the Vietnam War, expanded on the Civil Rights Act, created the EPA, returned many lands to Native American tribes, advocated for free professional training for poor people of color and a number of other ideas that would be "Leftist-radical" today.

Exactly. Took an hour-and-a-half to get its story going, and then just decided it was done. For no reason at all. Most weirdly structured movie I can remember, right off.

I just remember it ending literally in the middle of the damn movie. Like, just a random car chase, then, BOOM. Done. It took an hour-and-a-half just to get its story going and then just stopped because it was more effort than it was worth.

Yeah, reading all the comments complaining about Greengrass's camerawork and the "thin" plot are driving me up a fucking wall. For one, Greengrass actually had a point with his camerawork and he's one of the only directors who knows how to do shakycam effectively. You can still tell what's going on, except it feel