The most dangerous game! It’s fun to watch them grow into their personality traits, which upon retrospect were always there if you knew what to look for. So if you think, “Hey, m_cubed is super chill”, that’s great! Probably a super chill kid!
The most dangerous game! It’s fun to watch them grow into their personality traits, which upon retrospect were always there if you knew what to look for. So if you think, “Hey, m_cubed is super chill”, that’s great! Probably a super chill kid!
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“I wonder, do some of the moons open up after you beat the story?”
Is it the weekend again? Well, it’s like the old saying: Time flies when you’re battling low-grade seasonal affective disorder and can’t get anything done, making life an unstructured fog of minimal possible effort on everything you do! Sigh...
I’ll be going on a lengthy road trip this weekend, and the Switch will be coming with. But, that’ll mean less online games. I’ve recently been trying to speed-run Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment, currently at the stage of just trying to learn it myself. I’ll probably get into its undoubtedly helpful and extensive…
I finally finished Alien: Isolation. I made a few comments about this game last week, so rather than repeat myself, I’ll just say this: I got past the first enemy encounter by lighting a flare and throwing it across the room to create a distraction, and I got past the last enemy encounter by lighting a flare and…
Man, that Metal Gear Survive thing. It’s weird to think of games that manage that act of being so derivative, so ideologically lazy that they almost wrap around to being casually surreal. Which is a lovely if nakedly forced segue into the game I have been unfortunately playing most this week: Shadow the Hedgehog. In a…
My main memories of them were waking up and getting some matches in before leaving for work, then getting back and maybe playing some if I didn’t feel they definitely ended post-midnight, probably 2 or 3 in the morning.
Hopefully your store demo works. The Switch demo station at my local Target has an ARMS demo, but it always goes to an error message if you try to load it (I did it the first time out of curiousity to see what the demo was, and now I do it every time to see if the demo works).
As I recall, the Splatfests in 1 were a bit longer than one day, but not two days. The exception was the final one (Callie vs. Marie), which lasted two days...I mainly remember that because the final day changed the battle music from the regular Splatfest theme to the single-player’s final boss theme.
Apparently it is coming to PS4 and Xbox One as well, so that’s pretty cool.
Pyre is fantasy NBA Jam with a team made of of a rogue’s gallery of RPG party members. It’s gorgeous and the music is great. I paid $10, enjoyed it a lot, and will play it again at some point. It’s normally $20.
Do those people vacation in these places? I need answers to this.
More Persona 5 (still working through the tutorial-heavy first dungeon stuff), more Fire Emblem Warriors (once Intern Flam lends his aid to help me S-rank Noble Lady of Caelin to get Lyn’s Sol Katti), and some board and card games tomorrow night - Pandemic Legacy (February attempt #2, after a fiery and heated failure…
Um...ARMS. I mean, I’m still addicted, but this weekend is special since it’s featuring a new Party Crash competition. This time, it pits my top two characters (Misango and Lola Pop) against each other. I’ll be repping my spirit fighter, for sure. I’m hoping there’s some new crazy modes in there. The last one featured…
Stacking goombas never gets old. Sometimes, later in the game, I would do it just to do it. Such a satisfying mechanic.
you’re coming up on a sweet spot though whcih is like the 4-8 months, when they’re still tiny enough to take a nap in their boppy pillow in your lap. Just keep the dualshock nearby and when they drift off you can get in a good thirty mintues of gaming... I played a lot of Bloodborne that way.
Funnily enough, I actually found it got easier when she started to crawl. Sure, had to baby-proof a lot more things, but she became a lot easier to entertain once she was mobile.
The SP music in Splatoon 2 is repetitive and shallow, and in the end I didn’t bother finishing it, because multiplayer (especially SALMON RUN) is best. But I also understand that unless you have dedicated backup multiplayer is not a great idea at the moment.
It is my great hope we see the release of UNTITLED GOOSE GAME this year, because my god does being a terrible jerk of a goose to some poor bloke seem like the best thing in the world.