
Yes. 40+ women have all tried to have sex with Bill, and when he couldn’t get it up, they all got upset and they all cried rape.

Some commenters are disappointing me. By saying things like “but this one WAS attractive” is perpetuating the extremely hurtful falsehood that only attractive women can be assaulted.

I always find it hilarious that “Men Going Their Own Way” think women are angry about that. We don’t fucking care. Go. Go away.

Here you go. An excited cat. Lose yourself in his adorably excited feet.

he needs to shut up.

poophole loophole

Fun random fact: in medieval England, if a peasant* man without land married a peasant woman who had land, he’d take her surname or, if she were a widow, her husband’s surname. Somehow their dicks managed to stay attached.

Perhaps but, how many pairs of khakis, polo shirts, and Aquanet do you need?

“They are still stunned that this is how it has all gone down,”

On behalf of gay men whose blindness to their own privilege and hyper-awareness of their own marginalization combine to form a potent cocktail of insufferableness, I apologize.

I just got married in June and my husband took my name. Here are some interesting observations I have gathered from the inside:

“As long as my DNA is in my child’s blood...”

I changed my name to “Glahglahglahglah” which is the sound of his name when I say it with his dick in my mouth. Just kidding I kept my name. FIP 4 life.

Right before gay marriage was legalized, my friend and I were having a conversation with a gay man about marriage. He was absolutely dumbfounded and offended that she and I did not take our husbands’ names. He kept going on and on about “tradition” and “that’s the way it’s done” and “how we had “no respect for the

Not only did my wife keep her own name through two legal marriages and several additional polyamorous relationships that she considers to be equal to her legal marriages, not only did she make sure all her kids kept her name, but when one of our trans friends went through a legal name change, she dropped the family

I love my last name. It’s associated with a tartan, several famous people and is, quite frankly, awesome. Plus, it puts you near the front of the leader line if your elementary school teacher does that shit alphabetically

You’re entitled to rule out taking her last name as long as you would never dream of asking her to take your last name.

My boss is one of the best people I know on the whole entire planet, but when he told me one day that he “loves women” while explaining his feminist bona fides, I threw up in my mouth a little (he is an honest-to-god feminist; he just does not have the vocabulary). The next day at a staff meeting we got off on a

When I was in high school, I decided my only criteria for marrying a dude would be that he take my name. I’ve since evolved to thinking anyone taking anyone else’s name is lunacy (and to digging chicks).