
That Wonder Woman, alone, even comes close to "Iron Man v The Avengers v Spider-Man v Black Panther feat. Captain America" (and it *will* beat it in the US, where it actually matters - for profits) is rather humiliating for MCU fanboys who feel invested emotionally in the Disney male franchise they love so much. But I

If even the Disney Club didn't love it… After GOTG2 and before "Inhumans", that is yet another stinker for the MCU. But hopefully it will be as hilariously awful as the first episodes of "Iron Fist".

Thanks to "Inhumans", this won't even be the worst new superhero show of the year!

And a solo Wonder Woman movie will soon beat "Avengers: Civil War" at the box office! That is why Disney shouldn't make the same film over and over again, or only have male superheroes.

Even History of Violence now caters to MCU fanboys. The Disney Club has jumped the shark!

MCU fanboys will go crazy watching a picture of two guys. That is why Disney is making 20 more of those movies.

Hopefully he won't be completely wasted in a nothing role, like Donald Glover, Marisa Tomei and Martin Starr in "Spider-Man Homecoming"… or himself in "Rogue One".

Today Wonder Woman reached $400 million at the box office, sad day for the Disney Club.

By many accounts, this is the best superhero movie since "The Dark Knight".
But in the age of Trump and the MCU, this is also an important movie for little girls who now have a superhero of their own.

Rabid MCU fanboys are apparently more easily offended than fans of "Star Wars", Disney live-action remakes or Resident Evil movies.

"“They’re not idiots,” she says, “they can smell when something is done because people love it and when something is done just to monetize an opportunity.”"

Of course, it wouldn't be on the CW!

A bunch of snowflakes got triggered.

I wish Berlanti didn't have a near-monopoly on DC shows at the moment, and the "Banshee" team got one…

"So please, tell me more about 'who is really in the wrong'…"

At least they have reported the diet bar marketing, the guy who got mad at a women-only screening, the poster that looked like she was peeing fire…
Why would the AV Club cover some nerdy superhero movie?

Classic MCU fanboys.

No; you're thinking of the mass murderer. Ariana Grande, on the other hand, is organizing a benefit concert.

Fate of the Furious, US: $222 million, China: $387.4 million to date.

Which ideology or philosopher compels American teenagers to go see the latest Disney movie every weekend? Or is it something in the Bible?