
"Not to mention the fact that the peripheral Wonder Woman items (comics, TV, etc) are almost certainly chosen to tie in with the upcoming film."

Yes, did you read? They did post a few trailers, the rest was:
- Internet reacts with predictable restraint to female-only Wonder Woman screening (Dumb controversy #1)
- Defiant hero defends Man’s World by buying ticket for women’s-only Wonder Woman screening (Dumb controversy #1, part deux)
- Wonder Woman marketing

In the age of Trump and 18-movies-with-male-leads-MCU fanboys, this movie is a ray of hope for little girls.

That joke doesn't work on any level, MCU fanboy.

Damn, you have been whining about DC movies on Internet every day for 9 years.

It sounds like the best superhero movie since at least "Logan".

The AV Club is still running with the stupid (and false) "understated marketing for Wonder Woman" story? But at least there was no mention of thinkThin, the only other time they covered this movie (except for the famous 'Wonder Woman pees fire').

At least it is easy to know what James Mangold himself thinks about the superhero genre, because he explained it in an interview. It is just not something that will please MCU fanboys:

Nightmare scenario: a Trump-appointed judge forces the Alamo to play "Captain America: Civil War" instead.

In general, most of the coverage for a blockbuster is pre-release - as you can see at the AV Club when it involves a Star Wars or MCU movie.

What is fragile is to throw a temper tantrum about a women-only movie screening.

One of the signs that you are a MCU fanboy is when you think everyone else is, like you, emotionally invested in a corporate franchise.

The AV Club has now covered this stupid controversy more than the "Wonder Woman" movie.
But I don't know why they pay so much attention to this one troll, who could very well be a MCU fanboy.

Forget it, according to MCU fanboys even "Suicide Squad"* and "Man of Steel" were disappointing. Don't ask me why, but it is one of their most cherished beliefs as you can see in this thread - with the same old and stupid arguments they repeat every time.

It won't underperform, it should make at least $180 million domestically and become (by far) the highest-grossing female superhero movie. But as usual MCU fanboys will call its box office numbers "disappointing".

I don't know, but it is exactly like "Rick and Morty".

The joke is on them: to fully appreciate "Wonder Woman", you have to watch the extended editions of both "Batman v Superman" and the Academy Award-winning "Suicide Squad".

"The rumor mill of these movies has been quite something to behold."

Univision could only afford one page of Internet for Cannes?

No, I feel bad. It was a stupid and sexist "joke". But you know, if you don't think about it, doesn't everything bright and yellow look like pee?