
It sounds like the reason *you* prefer the MCU. MRAs love it because it is 15+ movies without a single female lead!

"Wonder Woman" is supposed to be so good that even the AV Club will have to give it a great grade (B-).

Well for MRAs, there is always the MCU. 15+ movies of (white) men saving damsels in distress!

It looks like the Amazons use a Lasso of Pee!

It's nice the son survived, but I hope it is the last time we see him before the season 10 finale. No "Gotham" kid bullshit!

More Nyssa and Moira would be great for next season.

"The Flash" writers theory time:

The cliffhanger was useless but who cares, it was an amazing way to conclude - and start - the five-year journey of "Arrow". Perfect episode.

Bring back Tobey…

There were many… The marketing is to blame, people didn't know about the numerous giant elephants!

There was a giant elephant, what else do you need?

"A better variant on this argument would be that people are getting their fill of fantasy period pieces on television right now."

Blame MCU fanboys, they go nuts over the #ItsAllConnected universe bullshit. They would rather watch Jon Favreau eat donuts with Doctor Strange than the adventures of the actual protagonist.

Of course if the movie does well, MCU fanboys will claim another victory for Disney (never mind the fact that all the money will go to Sony, the producer of the film).

If "Spider-Man 6" fails, MCU fanboys will probably blame this poster now; or they will "discover" that this movie is produced by Sony instead of their beloved Disney.

No one would have believed that Hulk would be a failure at the box office, twice.

I wouldn't say this season of "The Flash" deserved it, but it is nice to see the CW first, even for just half an hour. When was the last time that happened?

Interesting that the return of "Twin Peaks" only got a 0.2. Not only is it a failure for nostalgia, but it is another case where social media hype didn't bring in new (or old) viewers.
Maybe the secrecy and lack of reviews hurt the series?

What are you talking about, Rey and her Sith Master Snoke look lovely.

Kara's boyfriend is Mon-El whose girlfriend is Supergirl. One day, super-genius Lena will figure everything out!