
Fun: Blowing Jimmy Olsen’s face off.

Snyder’s continued use of the word “fun” stinks of the attitude that actually originated in comics that if you like “this” character or “that” character you only like “immature” comics not the grown up comics that have rape and brutal murder. It all comes from a not-so-secret embarrassment to love these things which

This may explain why DC approved a murderverse.

Between this and Jimmy I’m beginning to wonder about Snyder’s idea of fun. Although maybe this gives us insight into other words and phrases he seems to use weirdly like “good movie” or “hero.”

Thanks for saving me from sitting through this movie, Rob.

I’m not sure that it’s a double standard. For one thing, every movie has flaws, inconsistencies, plot holes, etc., but the good ones manage to distract from them.

“it blows my mind that people can give this episode a pass and then turn around and shit all over BvS...”

Newsday’s sourcing is weird—“industry sources?”—

I think it boils down to character and verisimilitude. Marvel accepts the characters as they are in the comic and work the story and universe around that. Once the rules have been established, they don’t break them for story.

I don’t why people who like certain films read articles that are solely devoted to trashing said film.

This is an Easter egg for Zack Snyder. He killed one of Superman’s key supporting characters for “fun.” He thinks watching the characters comics nerds want to see get murdered on-screen is “fun.”

I am just waiting for Darth Revan to be canon.

Where exactly does she say everyone has to like the thing she likes and dislike the thing she dislikes? She’s giving her opinion just as you’re free give yours in the comments.

There wasn’t any Curtis in this episode. The show needs more Curtis. He’s terrific.

It was terrible, but also completely believable... in that every asshole who’s lived in New York for a couple of years needs to tell you how fucking unique that cesspool of a city is.

And then he snaps her neck, right?

This is even funnier if you imagine that it was Snyder and Geoff Johns talking.

I don’t think you’d fit in the Wonder Woman outfit.

Civil War, the plot, the weird out of character stuff, everything, can be explained simply enough by the following: Marvel tried to write a Patriot Act metaphor around a plot that much more leant itself towards a Gun Control Metaphor.