
That season was actually better than Seasons 2 and 3. The flaw I was really concerned about was its poor portrayal of Islamabad. But then again, this flaw extends to all Arab cities.

And what about its portrayal of Pakistan and Iran in earlier seasons?

First of all, I made it pretty clear when I mentioned that I am vehemently against Trump. I only am trying to take so many facts into account for this mess because I feel scared of the same thing happening in my country if I don't hear out anyone swayed by a populist movement.

I feel sad to see such a reality exist now. Even though it may be pretty naive, I am still holding on to the hope that there could be some compromise without bigotry getting involved in anyway.

Hopefully, we'll see them realise the error of their ways.

I feel that the "crimes" were a smokescreen as well. However, it is all too easy to dismiss it without the proper research to back up the dismissal.

I have my doubts about the allegations against Hillary.

Hillary's actions with the private email server has also allegedly led to the deaths of two soldiers at Benghazi. Hillary's Clinton Foundation has also been behind the deaths of other women.

I definitely agree with you on this one. Having mentioned below that Canada has a populist storm on its way, I really hope that there some action is taken in order to avoid having a Trump like buffoon in Canada.

Entertainment Weekly is not the only website that is popular for right-wing nut bags. Some websites I visit such as some wrestling websites, CBC, and the Globe and Mail have a lot of right-wing nut bags commenting.

Kind of my point. I just want to be careful about judging populist voters as racist since we in Canada could have our own populist shitstorm coming over - Kevin O'Leary.

They may be stupid and bigots. But it wasn't only their stupidity and bigotry that got Trump into power.

That may be a possibility. But at least I have accounts of people from both sides of this mess and pick my side with more perspective. And that pick is to go against Trump.

I know it's still bigotry. But some Trump supporters didn't hate Hilary because she's a woman. They hated her because of crimes she allegedly committed.

Again, some people did not have racist intentions when they voted for Trump. Some Trump supporters just hated Hillary.

Even though Obama and Clinton won't be responsible for the economic fallout of Trump's policies, I do believe when you say that Trump supporters will still blame them.

My point is that while other social media apps did not contribute and spread fake news like Facebook did, they did bring out Trump supporters in droves.

I've been a victim of the economy too. Twice actually. Both times during Republican administrations. I got a new job. I didn't fuck everybody else out of spite.

I've met a Trump supporter during my time in America. If all Trump supporters were racist, sexist, or stupid; then this guy wouldn't have been my friend.

Or when iPhones jumps up to $1000