
When some Trump supporters realized they've been burned heavily sometime in the next 3 years.

Twitter was also a huge breeding ground for Trump supporters and their ilk

110% agree with you on this one.

I don't deny that racism, sexism, and stupid-um-ism were behind some of these votes. But they cannot be the only factors behind these votes.

Don't forget Google and Twitter as well. My original post was that it was not just Facebook's fault for this. Social media was to blame for this along with other factors.

I don't think I am describing my own specific version of reality. My original post simply described that there were other forces at work for what we have right now.

I apologize if I misread your statement.

It's true that he won by appealing to bigots. But he also appealed to factory workers and miners in the rust belt states with the promise of getting jobs back to those states.

Facebook wasn't the only one to spread fake news. Google and Twitter also spread it as well.

Unemployment is low because most of the jobs that are being advertised right now require a college education.

As someone who is vehemently against Trump, Facebook wasn't the major driving force behind Trump's election. You had a sh*tstorm of middle-class workers who lost their jobs, a horrible opposing candidate, and fake news.

I am surprised by the lack of Ron Swanson jokes on this comments section. I thought that Nick Offerman playing one of the founders of McDonalds would be the source of many inside Parks and Recreation jokes.

I would say the founder of TrollTrace still managed to give Gerald a run for his money in being the biggest asshole of all. I know framing a kid for being the most notorious troll is horrible, but potentially starting a Global War is on a different scale entirely.


I think the audience you are describing would be smart and aware enough at that age to know that a lot of the ideologies from South Park wouldn't exactly work in the real world.

I thought South Park was for well-educated people - something Trump fans are not.

He did seem somewhat catatonic when he was making pro-Trump statements.

For Netflix, it would be a win-win if they go for it. With Silicon Valley, Halt and Catch Fire, and Mr. Robot receiving huge critical acclaim, Netflix should add a tech show to its library.

I have been a longtime fan of this and I am also amazed by the surge in quality from the less than stellar first season. I really hoped Netflix would have picked up the show for a season or two if AMC decided to cancel it.

Maybe it was too much of a black and white characterization and I should have realized by now that there are no "good" characters in the show.