
If Sansa could vouch for Littlefinger, Brienne could vouch for Jaime.

Correction: led by good women.

He could find out one way or the other. I really want to see Jaime team up with Tyrion again.

Well that definitely won't be pretty.


I guess you're right, given that she and Trump do have some similar traits.

I could also see her committing suicide once the Targaryen-Greyjoy-Tyrell-Martell faction steps into King's Landing.

She has edged out Ramsay for my #1 most hated character by just a little bit.

Exactly, now she has a potential Robert's Rebellion 2.0 to deal with.

It's also a sneak peek into Donald Trump's presidency.

Before the finale, I had a conversation with my Lyft driver about Cersei being the Westerosi equivalent of Donald Trump.

Could be. We could also probably witness Jaime pulling a 'Screw This I'm Outta Here' and ally with the north or seek out Tyrion.

And that's something I can't wait for (It's mean but I have really loathed Cersei since the beginning of the series).

We shouldn't count out the possibility of Jaime stabbing her.

You can thank season 2 of Fargo for that.

Ghost killing Ramsay would have seemed like a good choice.

As I mentioned below, I thought that the people of Winterfell deserved to have a say in Ramsay's death because they suffered as well under his rule.

IMO, I think everyone in Winterfell should have also had a go at him because they did suffer under his rule. Plus the hot rocks was an inspiration from Fargo.

That would have been great too.

I think I'm probably the only one that didn't want Ramsay to get eaten by dogs for his death scene.