Nice try Pyotr but Pink did it first.
Nice try Pyotr but Pink did it first.
Holy Jesus on a Stick, that is grade A nightmare fuel!!
What was more disturbing was the sight of Tony Romo celebrating by bleeding out of his vagina.
Amy is that you? I told you to quit following me!!
Definitely worse
'Hmmm what was the headline again?'
[scrolls up]
'Ahhh well done sir!'
Art is subjective, what you consider "art" others may consider art.
Or 36 years ago.... you sure you're not thinking of 1877? I'm not good at the maths but I think you may have missed carrying a 1.
I'm with you here. If only there was some way to avoid reading Tebow-related Deadspin articles. I agree with you that the Antichrist Sean Newell and his satanist lackeys must pay for their conspiratorial maleficence.
Bummer, man. That's a bummer.
What must be the massive girth of your stock imagery library is the envy of the blogosphere.
I had no idea I was arguing logic against my quantum exes. My simple Neanderthal brain is ill equipped.
Thanks for posting this.
It appears the presence of #1 caused #3 to make a #2.
A Schiano-man trolls Schiano-man deadspin posters then murders their families.
-2 for hearing you the first time
+2 echo