Pretty..... Pretty................. Pretty Good.
Pretty..... Pretty................. Pretty Good.
Fucking thing SUCKS!!!!
Not fucking sure why I find this so fucking funny but a hearty LMFAO to you, Douchebag!!
Thank you
This is completely irrational.
This is a GREAT hire for the Sabres! With rebuilding on the schedule for the next few years, and Rolston & Regier at the helm the team will need to find new and creative ways to sell those seats.
Don't kill the buzz, we're comparing bobbleheads to bobbleheads here. The year it occurred is inconsequential.
Exactly! Utah knows she's choking, the fear and the adrenaline is causing her to freeze. She knows she has to go on and at least vomit out some more words to fill her time. But it's South Carolina that is just on a higher plane, a meditative state. She lets loose a stream of conciousness that ebbs and flows with such…
Need moar racist.
I personally believe such as Miss Teen SC holds on to her crown. Such as.
Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Had To Take A Smug Test While At An Awards Show
Jimmy Dugan is not amused.
who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science??
L.A. is a fucking bitch team!
I'm in Manitou. Stop by and blaze!