So you plan on watching it. Got it
So you plan on watching it. Got it
Lol. Could you be more stereotypically female, Ellie?
No. Actually few people believe journalists have egos. What the fuck are you talking about?
Why bother. He's not going to win
Oh, sorry. I forgot bar mitzvahs were secular ceremonies.
The fuck do I care about Donald Trump for?
It’s pure racism. And you’re racist for denying it
Really? Really really? Really really really?
Its a good thing there are not BLM nutjobs, otherwise he’d have a point
Yeah. Total fucking racist. I bet he even writes his own material
She’s literally the biggest racist on tv. She demands that black people follow the law and act responsibly. Doesn’t she understand that slavery happened?
Spoken like a true racist! Aren’t you late for your Klan rally?
They can also follow the law, attend college and find gainful employment.
Whoa! It’s not “black”. That’s racist. You’re a person of color.
Right. The black community is known for its love of academia.
Wow! Okay. Try being a little less racist.
Lol. Experienced the holocaust and still believes in God.