Lol at invoking privilege in a conversation about video game skins.
Lol at invoking privilege in a conversation about video game skins.
I mean is it? I’d say that’s pretty lucky and has nothing to do with their personal belief system.
your life must be depressing if that’s how you feel.
People tend to be dismissive of things that aren’t really worth being invested in. This is an article about Korean women being upset that an already sexualized japanese, repackaged as Korean, girl has been sexualized further. Or not as far depending on how you view school girl outfits verses skin tight latex in terms…
The privilege is literally oooozing out of every word you just typed. Someone does not “fail” if they do not experience life exactly the same as you do. They are not a “failure” for not having a deep seeded knowledge on all global cultural backgrounds. That’s a far jump between video game cosmetics and your soapbox.
Except this is a collection of pixels in a video game, completely separate from any real world issues those people are having to deal with.
One of these things is a problem, and the other isn’t.
I will assume that at no point in your life have you heard someone say they were upset by something and gone “jeez, that’s a dumb thing to be upset about”. In which case, congratulations on being so very, very noble.
Nah not really, it’s the failing of people looking to a corporation to give videogame characters idealistic identities.
I can't believe people take video game cosmetics this seriously, but here we are.
Roaster 2.0 = Not date or time frame given.
Tesla already owns production lines with all the systems you're claiming they're avoiding. Your argument fails both the smell test and any application of Occam's Razor.
“FWIW and for better or for worse, we’ve let/trusted the Supreme Court to draw the line when it comes to what is and isn’t protected by the first amendment. Not everything is.”
The problem with “hate speech” isn’t that supposed hate speech has any meaningful value, it’s who in the world can you trust to define hate speech? The second we say hate speech is not protected speech, the Blue Lives Matter folks will outlaw things like Ice T’s “Cop Killer” and other speech that goes “over the line.”…
One time I had a TA that was a lazy prick. So I guess that makes you one? I mean that's the point of your post. NO ONE could have a different experience than you right?
Do you not understand this franchise? James Bond is 007 and 007 is James Bond. Another spy with a different name and a license to kill would not be ‘007'. All the different actors who have played Bond through the years where just iterations of one and the same character - 007 James Bond. The name does not give away…
A movie character named JAMES Bond is now a woman. How long, until they cast a man as Mary Poppins or Wonder Woman?
Another example of not being able to create new stories for new characters. If this isn’t satire, it’s going to absolutely flop. This story has to be fake.
Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observation: Frosty Season Finale Edition
Have you worked much?