Manifest Destiny: 10 17 20 18

She’s still extremely hot.

Weird hill to die on.  She is the most attractive woman in at least a thousand mile radius. 

“I really don’t care.  Do you?”

Like Zimbabwe, which is an absolutely murderous, starving hellhole.

A tweet... lol.  My God.  This place is completely dead. 

Hollywood exists for this exact purpose, to convince functionally brain-dead “people” to vote Democrat.

Israel had no advance knowledge of 911.  What are you talking about?

Can’t tell if you are misleading on purpose or have been mislead yourself, but what’s going on here is extremely simple.

Schumer doesn’t think. If he did, he wouldn’t be Schumer.

Why not follow the old saying: If you can’t win, just join the other team.

No, they aren’t. They obviously want Trump’s rallies shown in as many places as possible, but whether they’re on Fox News makes little difference. Most people watch online.  The audience is mostly Gen Z and other younger types.

When everything is racist, nothing is.

Why is it that when a hurricane hits Puerto Rico nearly everyone dies but when a hurricane his Florida only two people die?

Her next debate goes like this:

Destroyed the State Dept? No. He is still in the process of cleaning it up. Same with the DoJ.

Still curious why the left opposes voter IDs. Even Mexico requires them.

What are these “moral norms” and who do you mean by “the world?”

In a way, he is.

Doesn’t take much more than a glance at Twitter, or the comments here, to know that the left has resorted to ugly bully tactics.

The UN is irrelevant.