Once all the research, designing, testing, marketing, distribution, QA and support training are finished, maybe
Once all the research, designing, testing, marketing, distribution, QA and support training are finished, maybe
Stainless steel ftw
There is no way this picture existed in nature until it was needed in response to the random crab killing technique posted prior
Anyone who uses the Bumper Jumper control scheme for Halo will attest to your first point. Hardcore gamers to the second, third and fourth. I still rage at the slightly offset left thumbstick that occurred in every 360 controller I owned
There’s much better deals already leaked for black Friday. So yourself a favor and bing it ;)
You get what you pay for. Many gamers are tired of buying new controllers because they wear out. That is actually the single most effective selling point, this thing is supposed to withstand normal wear and tear much longer. No, I won’t you let you borrow mine