
Not a lot of women, or black women, go into tech. Actual tech, blogging does not count as being a “woman in tech.”

I agree with her. Miley is an obvious one, but Rihanna has, to me, never actually seemed that special. She feels like the culmination of a lot of hard work by producers, stylists, designers, managers, and agents to produce someone who seems fresh when in fact she is just rehashing other people in a very fine way.

Miley Cyrus has been maligned from every side of the media, entertainment industry, public—what have you; sometimes deserved, sometimes not. She grew up in the spotlight, knows what it’s like to get graded week to week by strangers, and now seems to have a good outlook on shit. I sincerely doubt she’s going to lose

Awesome, now maybe the level of Taylor hate on Jezebel can simmer back down to its previous low. A girl could get whiplash around here with how fast people fall out of favor.

Of course you can. Who gives a fuck what Kara Brown thinks about your hairstyle.

An Irish light entertainment radio show. There’s only so many times you can interview Aiden Gillen

I mean... the video of the year nominees are all men, Beyonce and Taylor Swift. It kind clearly was about her?

I don’t think she meant to directly jab her, but Taylor Swift is the only slim white woman nominated for video of the year this year, so I’d find that hard not to take personally too.

Nikki’s music celebrates nothing but a woman’s fat ass. Glorifying a slim body, or a curvy one, you’re still compartmentalizing woman. Nikki GTFO your high horse. Your music is nothing but “look at my fat ass” and is no more meaningful than any of Taylor’s tripe.

Yeah, in the sense that TLC is hypocritical as fuck.

I do kind of feel like she had NO agency over what she said when she was younger and a slave to the Disney Corporation.

Thank you. This site is the only place I’ve ever seen her referenced, and I’m still not sure what she does. Speaking of, this is the only place I see Azelia Banks mentioned, and I’ve barely managed to divine that she’s a musician of some sort.

Seriously. Amber Rose flies commercial? I mean how is that even possible with how many albums she’s sol....the gross of her last big movi...the ratings on her hit TV sh...

Isn’t GOT loosely based on the War of Roses or am i just completely wrong? That does happen occasionally.

This same thing in feminism has shifted me away from feminist organizing to working class organizing. At least we get shit done instead of having pointless in-fights every other week that routinely shrink membership by half. Ugh.

I adore my Spanx, I find them comfortable for up to 10 hours, and I’m not ashamed of being fat. I like to look smooth, keep my dresses from clinging, and protect my privacy. That’s all. When did Spanx become anti-feminist? I LOVE mine and I don't think my feminist membership card is in jeopardy because if it.

He’s got 5 Academy Award nominations, 2 DGA nominations, 3 WGA nominations, 2 BAFTAs, 5 of his 7 movies are above 90% on Rotten Tomatoes and his last three movies cost 86 million to make and grossed 616 million.

I’m all for sunlight being the best disinfectant, but his fears are not entirely without merit. People held Cumberbatch’s similar background against him for a minute. There is definitely a breed of SJW that would reframe every comment Affleck has ever made or ever will make based on that knowledge.

I was eating the coconut almond one and a woman across from me (eating a package of Oreos) told me she doesn’t eat nuts because they have too many calories to be considered healthy. As a vegetarian, nuts are a good source of protein, occasionally. I don’t need to hear it from Oreo breath.

*You don’t know shit about growing up in front of millions of viewers in a brutal industry and still trying to get homework done.