
Totally agree re the duties portion of the exemption test. Regardless of how high your salary is, you can’t be considered exempt if you’re not “primarily engaged in” exempt duties that involve the exercise of independent judgment and discretion.

On the comp time point, I believe the writer was saying that EXEMPT

Having worked in theatre administration, I have a hard time believing the theatre where Erin worked as a carpenter wasn’t breaking labor laws. Surely the salaried carpenters were making less than minimum wage. All of our carpenters were hourly and got benefits and massive amounts of OT, but I worked at a regional

Man , I can’t imagine watching a show that hits that close to home. I am glad it was cathartic for you! And your ex will probably end up like F&Gs husband. Coming out in his 70s breaking some poor woman’s heart.

Hopefully, the continued groundswell of support for Sanders will inspire other socialist-leaning Democrats to run for Congress advocating for, e.g. single-payer healthcare. That’s the pitch he should start making to his donors.

Ah yes, there’s literally no reason one would want to push Hilary to the left, only vanity. And when I think of vanity, I think of an elderly man who clearly doesn’t own a comb.

I’m one of those “unemployed” donors. I’m a SAHM. Not sure why that’s particularly interesting.

I’m not saying that his success or failure is proof, I’m saying the amount of money he got with small individual donations is proof. And with a good campaign manager and a good candidate, that amount of money could be plenty to lead a candidate to victory in the future.

Not even close to the same way Bernie has. Obama still took money from Super PACs and even took Wall Street money*. What Bernie’s campaign has done is basically invalidated the excuse that you must take money from special interests to play the game.

Why do you think retired people are terrible at managing money?

As this report has shown, I think the most beneficial thing Bernie has done is shown that an election can be run this way. With full disclosure and small contributions.

Since this is the The Slot, the obvious conclusion we are supposed to draw is that Hillary is A WONDERFUL PERFECT QUEEN GODDESS AND IF YOU DARE DISAGREE THEN YOU HATE ALL OF THE WOMEN WHO HAVE EVER BEEN OR EVER WILL BE! /s

The most interesting thing to me, though, is the fact that 28.6 percent of Sanders donors are not in the workforce, whether unemployed, disabled, or retired.

In Vermont, Sanders got almost $10 per capita.

She did fine Mama, We’re all watching

Just a quick brainstorm that just occurred to me and may not mean a damn thing, but has anyone looked into a correlation between dudes who use these drugs and dudes who are majorly insecure / performance anxiety? Like, is their motivation that they want to get laid but don’t think they are good at it and so they have

I’m not crying. Nope.

I love when women watch out for other women

It’s nice to know we’re not alone in this great big, broad-shouldered universe.

Oh man I feel all of this so much. No shoulders, large-ish bust, short, and hip measurement that’s a size up from my waist = no blazer, button down, pencil skirt or slacks will ever look right on me.

As a petite, apple-shaped person, I never look less professional than I do in “professional attire.” With blazers, I can choose to have the buttons close or the shoulders fit, but either way, the sleeves cover my knuckles. With trousers they’re either so baggy they’re frumpy or so tight they’re an HR issue, either way