
Or, my (possibly overused) personal favorite...

Part of the problem is they used to (maybe? possibly?) have more of a legit writing staff. Like, actual professional journalists who had at least had a minimal level of consistency/voice etc. now it just feels like a rotating slew of random 22 year-olds who believe that knowing how to submit a think piece online means

You should totally start doing this.

If you’re mostly a lurker like me but enjoy reading interesting comments sections (that aren’t stupid or mean (usually)) here are my recs:

Ok, but like right? When I read the first piece I really wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt because I thought, “there has to be something she’s not telling us.” And then the second piece came out and I was like, “You know what? No. You are a terrible human being and I hope to the high heavens your daughter is

Hate reading is a thing. Although I mostly get linked to the things I hate read through posts like this and Fark, and thus am tempered by the MST3000 type commentary that makes it survivable.

xoJane should be publishing apologize for 99% of their recent articles.

I used to check it out once in a while (but won’t anymore in light of this incident) because for all the horrible content there was the occasional well-written and interesting first-person piece that may not have received exposure elsewhere. Another platform ought to swoop in and steal the good contributors...I guess

Also, the last person who tried to sell it to me kept talking about how it wasn't a pyramid scheme, but the answer to "how is it NOT a pyramid scheme?" always seemed to be "it's not a pyramid scheme." I kind of wanted to re-enact that scene from the Office where they show Michael whatever thing he has gotten involved

The post you mentioned is the one that completely killed XOJane for me, even as hate reading. Even without my own personal experiences with wonderful male gynos and my father being in the healthcare industry, the post was sexist and disgusting, and I’m frankly embarrassed that I ever frequented the site that published

They also had a story in which a woman talked about how she dated a pedophile who tried to convince her to involve her young DAUGHTER in sexual acts with them (I don’t have kids, but I feel like if someone makes some sexual comments about your kid maybe it’s time for you to let that person go) and she continued to

I read that gynecologist one too. I was like if I was a woman looking to learn more about feminism and went on that site and saw that story, I would run. Someone (on here) recently said something very true how the people who religiously go on XO hate it... it shows in the comments and yet... They stay!!! It makes no

I dunno, there was a horrifying one a few weeks about written by a woman who had clearly put her kid in danger from a creepy pedo. There has been so much horrible crap on xoJane lately it’s time for me to avoid it altogether.

Holy shit, this bitch’s self-regard! In the first para of that little self-loving blog post, she describes how a former boss she calls “Cunt Chocula” hated her from the beginning, and says, “I can understand why, I’m a hot little blonde with a well-connected family from the Upper East Side of Manhattan.”

XOJane has basically become Thought Catalog For Women.

Can we use this as an excuse to talk about alternative sites. XOjane is garbage and the toast is folding. Where do you guys go for decent comments sections?

What I don’t understand are the commenters who come back day after day after day after day complaining about xoJane’s lack of editorial standards. It’s like watching a co-dependent dysfunctional relationship in action.

I will say I’ve noticed a sensational, click-baity trend with their headlines lately. This has not pleased me. I think this must be a result of the Time acquisition (which appears to have been last fall). Not good, people.