
So this is the new game with the anti-women’s rights crowd? They are going to incrementally one up each other on slowly eroding the right to choose.

It’s absurd because there’s no meaningful number of women seeking abortions that late in the pregnancy without some sort of extenuating circumstance (typically fetal abnormality or medical issues for the mother). We know because countries with no time limit restrictions on abortion (like Canada, for instance) have

The issue is all these states make you jump through hoops to get an abortion early and gestational age is a crap shoot because it is based on the woman’s last period. I’m not even counting pregnancies that are frankly not viable due to medical reasons. You want to end abortion-BIRTH CONTROL (IUDs, vasectomy, long term

Tax churches to pay for defending the legislation.

Right?! How do they keep getting away with these blatantly unconstitutional laws?!?!

The people of South Carolina should demand that the legislators pay for the attorneys our of their own damn pocket.

What a bunch of thugs. When will the white community address the culture of violence prevalent in their community?

All of these men are my boyfriends. They were fighting over my taco: I said whoever won could eat it. But while they were fighting I ate it myself. It was my last one. Next time I go to Taco Bell, I’ll be sure to get a 12 pack.

There was basis for them. The fact is, they think they are above the rules. That personal email BS is proof of that. She doesn’t believe in transparency. That is a major, major failing to me. Obama was even more hated by the right than the Clintons and he’s scandal free. The Clintons did so much of this to themselves.

I’ve noticed so many of these “Pregnancy Crisis Centers” popping up around me (SE Michigan). Now that I’m pregz i realllllly wanna go visit one and troll them when they try to spout “facts” at me.

*I* wanted to hug them and I was sitting across from them! They were legitimately so upset. It was unreal. Restored my faith in humanity. And bros.

I feel like this is a euphemism for Lewis Black’s ball-washer...

First, you’re delusional if you think the 2008 primary was in any way a nailbiter. Second, every quoted statement was a transparent lie created to provoke gullible people like you into blindly supporting her out of fear. Third, there is no real “sexism” coming from the left in this primary. The Clinton campaign

We already saw that, and Obama trounced her.

thank you for my new motivational poster

Black female Bernie supporter here. (Gotta announce all that or I suddenly become a 19 year old white male). I agree that the ageism has no place — including when lobbied against Sanders. If I hear one more person say Bernie supporters are “senile. . . ”

He has had detailed policy plans available on his website for a long time.

yeah, it’s almost like it’s not even worth it to comment. because most 40+ hillary supporters on my facebook feed seem to think that the comment sections on the internet are realistic representations of people. it’s like they’ve never been on the internet before.

It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.

do you hillary-bots even hear yourselves? anytime someone criticizes her connections or policies, you amass and scream “SEXISM!” like it’s some vast fucking conspiracy. if hillary gets the nomination, i’ll vote for her, but she is as establishment as they get.