Ashley Smith

Piano x Forte x Scandal (by OSTER project)

Japan get the 3rd expansion tomorrow and I can’t wait!

Finished the story on Nioh this morning not sure if I’m gonna do extra stuff yet might take a break for now. Other than that I don’t have anything to play except for more Future Tones.

Exactly this, no analysis needed just straight up human behavior we will eventually tire of something and not use it anymore. I don’t trade every game I finish in just as I don’t unsub from every youtuber I don’t watch.

Absolutely no Wii U game in there? You sure you didn’t forget one massive gem this year?

Does it still 1 shot in hardcore? I only sniper on hardcore really because I hate snipers so only way am leveling up the class is on hardcore but it would suck to level up a class to 10 just for a sub par weapon now.

Torn between annoyed and excited xD

That’s a tough one I did find Future Tones to be much more consistent as where notes are coming from, they aren’t as sporadic as Project Diva X.

Yeah I can see what you mean I do switch FPS games a lot and rarely stay with just one past around 100 hour mark so paying that much for a season pass when it’s not going to finish til late next year maybe is an awful lot to commit.

Technically but only a standard edition of the game and not the ultimate edition.

Honestly this whole pre-order fiasco really turned me of buying FFXV. I had the ultimate edition on pre-order but once I realized that I’d never be able to get everything within that one edition (and it was £200 and you didn’t get all that much) I cancelled the order and simply just went with Amazon.

If Battlefields 1 premium season pass is anything like Battlefield 3 and 4s then it isn’t ridiculous in the slightest. Yes it is the same price as the base game but by the end of BF3 and 4 you probably had more content than in the base game by far. Easiest thing is not to buy premium right now but wait til it lowers

Right? Jeez I literally had no idea til someone points it out and now its a deal. Most people wouldn’t of even looked twice.

So today this is what I’ve read out of Japan.

lmao you dick xD

Seeing this just broke my girlfriends heart, shes looking forward so much to Persona 5. Not living in Japan sucks some days. >.>

So does this make games run any better? Like will FFXV run at more fps or is this just pure graphics upgrade which in turn will end up dropping fps running at 4k?

I actually got most of em it wasn’t too difficult if you knew the song well enough.

I never went into MW2 expecting it to be a dumb game honestly. I played the crap outta MW1 it was the game that got me back into multiplayer after a long period after Quake 3 died down.

Good patch, brilliant map, well needed buffs and debuffs.