Nope just what I expected.
Nope just what I expected.
Yeah fair point I was out of line to say my own culture is boring. I understand after 25 years I’ve probably just started to take it for granted. We do have a lot of good stuff we’ve contributed.
That’s pleasing to hear, I would never wanna overstep manners because we don’t get educated in any other culture except our own it can be hard to socialize with another culture which is our (westerners) own fault and needs to be changed. Will go check out what a balut is now I think.
Is it weird for Asian people that White people like this stuff? Or are you glad we embrace it? I always feel like a massive weeabo whenever I go to my local store which sell figures n whatnot or I go to my local china town and have like Thai bubble tea and stuff. I always feel like my friends don’t get it and just get…
Yeah when you find yourself swaying to the music and realize your not even really looking at what your inputting your just playing it so smoothly.
Yeah pretty much done every song on hard but only 6 perfected and only like 5 extreme songs perfected and ex extreme can just go take a jump. So much content Just dwarfs the 30ish songs in X
I kind of wanted Project Diva X til I played Future Tones and I’ve been absolutely addicted to that since and the demo of X just felt a little dated compared to the 1080 graphics and customizable controls of Future Tones.
Spend 100+ hours on this game. I still have no idea why, it was terrible. >.>
I really hope this game is amazing because I’m getting tired of seeing negative articles about the damn game.
Can’t wait! I was hyped about Mankind Divided then this finally got its release date and I’ve just been looking forward to it ever since.
People getting all bent up about a counter that is very slowly going up, what did you expect?
Pft! You forgot something very important!
Glad I took the advice of a fellow Kotaku’er(?) xD and downloaded it even though I might not play it just because of they guessed a cease and desist would come.
I’ll be playing Grand Kingdoms, really enjoy the game can get a bit repetitive but short matches of Overwatch and playing Morrowind (got addicted again after watching it speedrun at AGDQ), and DiRT Rally help break the combat up a bit.
Love watching this every year always feels summery afterwards. Starts with E3 then SGDQ then Dota 2 Internationals and now with added Overwatch tournaments. Summers such a brilliant time to stay in! xD
But he didn’t even get anything! It’s literally a digital fake stamp it means absolutely nothing.
What a fucking idiot.
I love this, every damn time I read it!
You clicked it, so fucking worked! :D
Maybe a bit more of Reiny and Genji to try and get better at them...